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Katherine Arrigg Koh, M.D.

Concepts (90)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Mental Disorders7202468410.770 Why?
Crisis Intervention120211090.700 Why?
Psychiatry3202116920.690 Why?
Wounds, Gunshot220235820.670 Why?
Mobile Health Units12020920.660 Why?
Housing420226700.650 Why?
Military Personnel3202412460.650 Why?
Firearms220236250.600 Why?
Disasters220205190.550 Why?
Death120216760.540 Why?
Safety1202111500.540 Why?
Mental Health Services4202417300.480 Why?
Health Expenditures3202223660.470 Why?
Food Services120152070.400 Why?
Hunger120122060.370 Why?
Veterans1202326470.330 Why?
Communication1202138710.280 Why?
Calcium, Dietary120065290.220 Why?
Dairy Products120064900.210 Why?
Institutionalization120231050.210 Why?
Boston4202093300.210 Why?
Homeless Youth12022480.200 Why?
United States92024723390.170 Why?
United States Department of Veterans Affairs120239280.160 Why?
Benzodiazepines1202311320.140 Why?
Humans2420247614230.130 Why?
Continuity of Patient Care1202310690.130 Why?
Suicide, Attempted1202313980.120 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1202316690.110 Why?
Obesity22014129380.110 Why?
Terrorism120162110.110 Why?
Dietary Supplements1200634140.110 Why?
Family2202231970.110 Why?
Longitudinal Studies32024145990.100 Why?
Self Report1202337240.100 Why?
Suicide1202315980.100 Why?
Survivors1202223710.090 Why?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders1201419880.070 Why?
Medical Records1201214070.070 Why?
Pain1202250710.070 Why?
Massachusetts1202088320.070 Why?
Comorbidity12020104980.060 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological1201626320.060 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders1202244200.060 Why?
Nutrition Surveys1201217280.060 Why?
Commitment of Mentally Ill12024940.060 Why?
Mentally Ill Persons120241280.060 Why?
Prostatic Neoplasms12006111180.060 Why?
Medicare1202267700.060 Why?
Adult620242211480.060 Why?
Social Class1201220040.060 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202153350.050 Why?
Social Problems120231090.050 Why?
Public Health1201526660.050 Why?
New York City120247310.050 Why?
Feeding Behavior1201431870.050 Why?
Prevalence22024157170.050 Why?
Risk Factors32023741670.050 Why?
Stress, Psychological1201644770.050 Why?
Prospective Studies22023544150.050 Why?
Risk Assessment12022239900.040 Why?
Cohort Studies12022414460.040 Why?
Aged320221692350.040 Why?
Bombs12016730.030 Why?
Resilience, Psychological120237880.030 Why?
Body Mass Index12012129510.030 Why?
Mothers1202321920.030 Why?
Blast Injuries120163220.030 Why?
Binge-Eating Disorder120141470.030 Why?
Bulimia Nervosa120142060.030 Why?
Qualitative Research1202330230.030 Why?
Young Adult22024592070.030 Why?
Bulimia120144000.020 Why?
Running120164880.020 Why?
Interview, Psychological120148090.020 Why?
Risk1202396120.020 Why?
Male520243607360.020 Why?
Patient Discharge1202334410.020 Why?
Parents1202335640.020 Why?
Female520243925810.020 Why?
Observer Variation1201426050.020 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1202232040.020 Why?
Mental Health1202232490.020 Why?
Reference Values1201449210.020 Why?
Middle Aged320232208260.020 Why?
Interviews as Topic1201426960.020 Why?
Adolescent22023883130.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12012805820.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12014200930.010 Why?
Child12023801620.010 Why?
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Concepts (90)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.