Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, J.D., M.D.

Concepts (123)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Mental Competency720181751.940 Why?
Forensic Psychiatry220172000.860 Why?
Psychiatry5202216830.820 Why?
Informed Consent5202410080.770 Why?
Suicide4202015990.700 Why?
Mental Disorders6202467880.690 Why?
Stereotyping120202390.630 Why?
Confidentiality420106100.620 Why?
Legislation, Medical12017980.580 Why?
Decision Making4201739200.570 Why?
Nervous System Diseases2201716450.550 Why?
Specialization120187790.430 Why?
Self Care120177930.390 Why?
Expert Testimony220103620.380 Why?
Malpractice320105540.370 Why?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act320091050.370 Why?
Patient Isolation120101000.350 Why?
Crisis Intervention120101030.340 Why?
Ethics12010940.340 Why?
Mandatory Reporting120101250.340 Why?
Right to Die12009340.330 Why?
Restraint, Physical120101860.320 Why?
Domestic Violence120101810.320 Why?
Abortion, Induced120144570.320 Why?
Disabled Persons1201712260.300 Why?
Commitment of Mentally Ill32014950.290 Why?
Violence220109280.290 Why?
Psychosomatic Medicine12007710.290 Why?
Liability, Legal120092100.290 Why?
Attitude to Death120094020.260 Why?
Documentation120118850.250 Why?
Conflict of Interest120105490.240 Why?
Suicide, Assisted22018690.220 Why?
Drug Industry120107890.220 Why?
Hospitals, Psychiatric220143210.210 Why?
Interprofessional Relations120099890.210 Why?
Psychotic Disorders2201431700.200 Why?
Faculty, Medical1201011860.190 Why?
Hallucinogens120241940.180 Why?
Cognition1201869400.180 Why?
Pregnancy Complications1201429400.180 Why?
Academic Medical Centers1201027500.160 Why?
Referral and Consultation2200935980.160 Why?
Religion120223760.160 Why?
Spirituality120224260.140 Why?
Treatment Refusal220104270.140 Why?
Residential Facilities12014420.120 Why?
Legal Guardians12014570.120 Why?
Afghan Campaign 2001-120152910.110 Why?
Patient Dropouts120154120.110 Why?
Clinical Competence1200947760.110 Why?
Psychotherapy2201516380.110 Why?
Humans2320247592550.100 Why?
Third-Party Consent12011660.100 Why?
Drug Labeling120132500.090 Why?
Mental Status Schedule120113140.090 Why?
Dangerous Behavior12010660.090 Why?
Proxy120111480.090 Why?
Students1202017180.090 Why?
Health Surveys1202040600.090 Why?
Spinal Puncture120112810.080 Why?
Hospitals, Urban120114990.080 Why?
United States82024722370.080 Why?
Duty to Warn12007310.080 Why?
Advance Directives120092480.070 Why?
Risk Management120105590.070 Why?
Resuscitation Orders120092700.070 Why?
Consciousness Disorders120114390.070 Why?
Patient Admission1201413830.070 Why?
Public Policy120105600.070 Why?
Mental Health1202031950.070 Why?
Medical Records1201114060.070 Why?
Physician's Role220099200.060 Why?
Death, Sudden, Cardiac1201315720.060 Why?
Truth Disclosure120094320.060 Why?
Central Nervous System Stimulants1201311690.060 Why?
Ethics, Medical120097870.060 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic2201874600.050 Why?
Mortality1201329140.050 Why?
Teaching1201011610.050 Why?
Disclosure120077380.050 Why?
Antidepressive Agents1201328880.050 Why?
Veterans1201526280.050 Why?
Forecasting1201029310.050 Why?
Patient Discharge1201434600.050 Why?
Antipsychotic Agents1201330600.040 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital2201077880.040 Why?
Social Support1200921410.040 Why?
Massachusetts1201187880.040 Why?
Pilot Projects1201185400.040 Why?
Education, Medical1201017270.040 Why?
Ambulatory Care1200927750.040 Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic1201545250.040 Why?
Internet1200930730.040 Why?
Quality Improvement1201138360.030 Why?
Curriculum1201037110.030 Why?
Depressive Disorder1200937280.030 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations1200932360.030 Why?
Databases, Bibliographic120151300.030 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1200938630.030 Why?
Chronic Disease1200992820.030 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1200939590.030 Why?
California1201814040.030 Why?
Pregnancy12014296580.030 Why?
Risk Assessment12010240490.020 Why?
Self Disclosure120092500.020 Why?
Psychotropic Drugs120138820.020 Why?
Risk Factors22015741670.020 Why?
Aged320181686170.020 Why?
Professional Competence120094310.020 Why?
Suicidal Ideation1201314290.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12011801210.010 Why?
Interpersonal Relations1200914290.010 Why?
HIV Infections12007171280.010 Why?
Adult120142193900.010 Why?
Female220183902400.010 Why?
Dementia1201326340.010 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1201336940.010 Why?
Middle Aged120112196530.010 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major1201347320.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12018588670.010 Why?
Child12013796230.000 Why?
Male120183587190.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.