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Ryan R. Gerry, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Joseph Raffetto, M.D.1.748
Dennis Paul Orgill, M.D., Ph.D.1.486
Elof Eriksson, M.D., Ph.D.1.220
Adam Scott Landsman, D.P.M., Ph.D.0.883
Aristidis Veves, D.Sc., M.D.0.740
Martha Murray, M.D.0.661
Homan Kang, Ph.D.0.571
Christopher H. Evans, D.Sc., Ph.D.0.433
William Victor Giannobile, D.D.S., D.M.Sc.0.303
Shariq Qayyum, Ph.D.0.272
Meera Sunder, M.B.,B.S.0.264
Jeremy Goverman, M.D.0.245
Chun Yin William Leung, M.B.,B.S.0.240
Joshua Tam, Ph.D.0.231
Anna Stagner, M.D.0.231
Samuel Zachary Goldhaber, M.D.0.229
Harry Schneider, D.P.M.0.228
Ming Guan, M.D., Ph.D.0.222
Ian L. Valerio, M.D.0.218
Anahita Dua, M.B.,Ch.B.0.213
Martin Leon Yarmush, M.D., Ph.D.0.212
Marc L Schermerhorn, M.D.0.211
Nour Younis, M.D.0.202
Matthew R Spite, Ph.D.0.201
Thanh L. Dinh, D.P.M.0.197
Peter Jackson Fagenholz, M.D.0.190
Myron Nevins, D.D.S.0.189
Zunwei Chen, Ph.D.0.188
Brett Carroll, M.D.0.185
Tianhong Dai, Ph.D.0.183
Ioannis V Yannas0.181
James J. Collins, Ph.D.0.180
Augustus Daniel Mazzocca, M.D.0.174
Myron Spector, Ph.D.0.173
Anurag Ramsuman Mishra, Ph.D.0.173
Georgios Theocharidis, Ph.D.0.172
Prabhat Upadhyay, Ph.D.0.165
Dimitrios A. Linos, M.D.0.162
Shailesh Agarwal, M.D.0.160
Ashwin N Ananthakrishnan, M.B.,B.S.0.159
Robert L. Sheridan, M.D.0.158
Stanley W. Ashley, M.D.0.155
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.0.152
Pamela A. Silver, Ph.D.0.146
Christiane Fuchs, Ph.D.0.145
Matthias Nahrendorf, M.D.0.145
Audrey E.K. Hutcheon, B.S.0.141
David Zurakowski, Ph.D.0.141
Irene Emily Kochevar, Ph.D.0.140
Paul Gerard Guy Richardson, M.B.,B.S.0.137
Leena Pradhan-Nabzdyk, Ph.D.0.137
Amy Colwell, M.D.0.134
Reza Dana, M.D.0.132
Lee Gehrke, Ph.D.0.131
Abhisekh Mohapatra, M.D.0.131
Christopher Thompson, M.D.0.128
Tomas Blanco, Ph.D.0.128
Mark W. Feinberg, M.D.0.127
Peng Yin, Ph.D.0.127
Barry Ira Rosenblum, D.P.M.0.120
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.