Address | Latitude | Longitude | Name(s) |
| 42.337896 | -71.1072493 | Jennifer Williams Mack, M.D.
641 Huntington Aveune Center for Bioethics, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.337436 | -71.105447 | Elaine Curtis Meyer, Ph.D. |
James A. DiNardo, M.D. |
Charles Benjamin Berde, M.D., Ph.D. |
Robert S. Holzman, M.D. |
Craig David McClain, M.D. |
Richard H. Blum, M.D. |
Lynne Roberta Ferrari, M.D. |
Sulpicio De Guzman Soriano, III, M.D. |
Daniel Solomon Kohane, M.D.,Ph.D. |
David Zurakowski, Ph.D. |
John Gerard Meara, D.M.D., M.D. |
Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr Anesthesia & Critical Care Stoneman 308, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.3402277 | -71.105854 | John Bernard Pawlowski, M.D., Ph.D. |
Feroze-Ud-Den Mahmood, M.B.,B.S. |
Robina Matyal, M.D. |
Amy Elizabeth Vinson, M.D. |
Grace C. Huang, M.D. |
Fred E. Shapiro, D.O. |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Anesthesia, CC-470 & Pain Medicine, 330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 42.337 | -71.11 | Amit Bardia, M.D.
Brigham and Womens Hospital c/o Surgery Education, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3351037 | -71.1061649 | Alexander Arriaga, M.D. |
Douglas Smink, M.D. |
Gary Richard Strichartz, Ph.D. |
Sukumar Paramanand Desai, M.B.,B.S. |
Igor Kissin, M.D., Ph.D. |
Kamen Vlasakov, M.D. |
Lawrence Ching Tsen, M.D. |
David Westfall Bates, M.D. |
Brigham and Women's Hospital Bb125, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.362417 | -71.068937 | James Phillip Rathmell, M.D. |
Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, M.D. |
May Chao-Mai Pian-Smith, M.D. |
Michael Gerald Fitzsimons, M.D. |
Paul Gerard Firth, M.B.,Ch.B. |
Jeffrey Bruce Cooper, Ph.D. |
Keith H. Baker, M.D., Ph.D. |
James A. Gordon, M.D. |
Roy Phitayakorn, M.D. |
Joshua A. Hirsch, M.D. |
Children's Hospital General Pediatrics, Enders 1, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.337105 | -71.102317 | Christopher Paul Landrigan, M.D.
Dept of Medicine 330 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 42.374414 | -71.133776 | Beth A. Lown, M.D.
Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics, 641 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 | 42.3358129 | -71.1007922 | Bob Truog, M.D.