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Evan David Murray, M.D.

Concepts (55)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Religion and Psychology120121710.360 Why?
Electroconvulsive Therapy320154770.210 Why?
Elder Abuse12017360.140 Why?
Bipolar Disorder4201550270.110 Why?
Mental Disorders1201265930.100 Why?
Neurologic Examination120159290.100 Why?
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Juvenile12010110.100 Why?
Delusions120133000.090 Why?
Basal Ganglia120135460.090 Why?
Confusion120112750.090 Why?
Ischemic Attack, Transient120159340.080 Why?
Dissociative Disorders120102310.080 Why?
Vagus Nerve Stimulation120102000.080 Why?
Thermosensing12005560.070 Why?
Ulnar Neuropathies12005330.070 Why?
Craniocerebral Trauma120094820.060 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major2201546350.060 Why?
Neural Conduction120054410.060 Why?
Alzheimer Disease2201780350.060 Why?
Calcinosis1201314950.060 Why?
Brain Injuries1201520290.050 Why?
Cold Temperature120057710.050 Why?
Seizures1201528500.050 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential22012129540.040 Why?
Immunotherapy1201344370.040 Why?
Psychotic Disorders1201130440.040 Why?
Mental Competency120171760.030 Why?
Population Dynamics120173020.030 Why?
Crime Victims120173220.030 Why?
Early Diagnosis1201711860.030 Why?
Facial Injuries120091830.020 Why?
Bone Plates120094680.020 Why?
Benzodiazepines1201111010.020 Why?
Caregivers1201720980.020 Why?
Electrodiagnosis120051500.020 Why?
Humans1020177438110.020 Why?
Neuropsychological Tests1201769760.010 Why?
Accidents, Traffic120098190.010 Why?
Memory Disorders1201011860.010 Why?
Elbow Joint120053570.010 Why?
Reaction Time1200520910.010 Why?
Antipsychotic Agents1201130570.010 Why?
Female520173800200.010 Why?
Antidepressive Agents1200928370.010 Why?
Male420173497760.010 Why?
Adult320152138890.010 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1200936550.010 Why?
Middle Aged320152132410.010 Why?
Aged220171631780.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12017577440.010 Why?
Time Factors12011400380.010 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed12013201210.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12015774100.000 Why?
Young Adult12010563920.000 Why?
Animals120131686600.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.