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Young S Yi, D.M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
German O. Gallucci, D.M.D., D.M.D., Ph.D.7.039
Daniel A. Buser, D.M.D.7.018
Tiziano Testori, D.D.S., M.D.6.290
Myron Nevins, D.D.S.5.869
David Minjoon Kim, D.D.S., D.M.Sc.4.384
Lorenzo Tavelli, D.D.S.2.577
Shayan Barootchi, D.M.D.2.097
Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, D.D.S., Ph.D.1.987
Adam Hamilton, B.D.S.1.959
William Victor Giannobile, D.D.S., D.M.Sc.1.882
Emery Neal Brown, M.D., Ph.D.1.487
Shigemi Nagai, D.D.S., Ph.D.1.439
Sang J. Lee, D.M.D.1.407
John Daren Da Silva, D.M.D.1.374
Gary Finelle, D.D.S.1.284
Paolo de Angelis, M.D.1.275
Roya Zandparsa, D.D.S., D.M.D.1.199
Mary Ellen McCann, M.D.1.139
Marc Nevins, D.M.D.1.107
Ken Solt, M.D.1.084
Alejandro Lanis, D.M.D.1.069
Leonard Bruce Kaban, D.M.D., M.D.0.935
Patrick Lee Purdon, Ph.D.0.858
Paul Asheim Schnitman, D.D.S.0.855
Luca Gobbato, D.D.S.0.801
Charles Benjamin Berde, M.D., Ph.D.0.778
Magda Feres, D.D.S., Ph.D.0.757
Maximilian Sebastian Schaefer, M.D.0.738
Gregory Crosby, M.D.0.699
William Matthew Negreiros, D.D.S.0.694
Maria J. Troulis, D.D.S.0.662
Michael Brian Millis, M.D.0.653
Robina Matyal, M.D.0.606
Walid Habre, M.D.0.592
Zuhair Natto, B.D.S., Dr.P.H.0.566
Neal David Kravitz, D.D.S., D.M.D.0.562
Eduardo Novais, M.D.0.558
Zachary Scott Peacock, D.M.D., M.D.0.554
Sulpicio De Guzman Soriano, III, M.D.0.553
Bonnie Lee Padwa, D.M.D., M.D.0.553
Philip Lawrence Millstein, D.M.D.0.523
Thomas Elliott Van Dyke, D.D.S., Ph.D.0.503
Young-Jo Kim, M.D., Ph.D.0.493
Oluwaseun Johnson-Akeju, M.D.0.479
Pete G. Kovatsis, M.D.0.466
Bernard Friedland, J.D.0.460
James A. DiNardo, M.D.0.459
George Karl Koch, III, D.M.D.0.451
Jesse Bernard Jupiter, M.D.0.448
Bruce Jay Paster, Ph.D.0.429
Juan Francisco Peña Cardelles, D.M.D., Ph.D.0.429
Dennis Paul Orgill, M.D., Ph.D.0.415
Wilton C. Levine, M.D.0.413
Balazs Feher, D.M.D., Ph.D.0.410
Elof Eriksson, M.D., Ph.D.0.409
Igor Kissin, M.D., Ph.D.0.403
Hatice Hasturk, D.D.S., Ph.D.0.400
John Fiadjoe, M.D.0.399
Kevin Arthur Guze, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.0.399
Ignacio Pedrinaci, D.M.D.0.398
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.