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Catherine Marie Cook Ayoub, Ed.D.

Concepts (119)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy52008180.900 Why?
Child Abuse18200610750.690 Why?
Parenting320196990.660 Why?
Health Services, Indigenous12018470.590 Why?
Maternal Behavior420193070.590 Why?
Public-Private Sector Partnerships120181220.570 Why?
House Calls120181610.540 Why?
Joint Instability120218010.440 Why?
Child Health Services320186450.440 Why?
Psychological Theory220061750.440 Why?
Parent-Child Relations420197610.420 Why?
Maternal Health Services120184610.410 Why?
Social Behavior2201111340.390 Why?
Child Development6201923050.270 Why?
Child Rearing42009730.230 Why?
Domestic Violence320031820.220 Why?
Education, Special12002860.200 Why?
Asphyxia12002600.200 Why?
Object Attachment220033260.190 Why?
Sudden Infant Death120022910.160 Why?
Family4200331970.160 Why?
Child, Preschool172019422540.160 Why?
New Mexico12018830.150 Why?
Alaska12018690.150 Why?
Interpersonal Relations2200314360.150 Why?
Washington120183150.150 Why?
Stress, Psychological2201144770.130 Why?
Infant122019362050.130 Why?
Postoperative Care1202114710.120 Why?
Indians, North American120183520.120 Why?
Family Health1201912570.110 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological4201126320.100 Why?
Parents6201035640.100 Why?
Cognition Disorders2200639790.100 Why?
Needs Assessment1201811390.100 Why?
Recovery of Function1202129770.090 Why?
Child Behavior Disorders320098040.090 Why?
Language Development120111830.080 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1202185290.080 Why?
Punishment12009950.080 Why?
Child Behavior220118470.080 Why?
Mental Disorders2200668410.070 Why?
Community Mental Health Services120103920.070 Why?
Child of Impaired Parents120104600.070 Why?
Mother-Child Relations220094940.070 Why?
Failure to Thrive219851400.060 Why?
Child162010801620.060 Why?
Infant, Newborn42018262120.050 Why?
Child Welfare220105190.050 Why?
Family Therapy320102150.050 Why?
Male2020193607360.050 Why?
Infanticide1200250.050 Why?
Adult1320192211480.050 Why?
Humans2720217614230.050 Why?
Social Perception120064330.050 Why?
Female2020193925810.050 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors3201178250.050 Why?
Attitude120067750.050 Why?
Autopsy1200210070.040 Why?
Affect1200614850.040 Why?
Motivation1200820060.040 Why?
Mothers2200221920.040 Why?
Depressive Disorder1201037280.040 Why?
Personality Inventory1198010190.040 Why?
Pregnancy22018298620.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12019239900.040 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential22002129700.030 Why?
Patient Care Team3200225230.030 Why?
Models, Psychological119978280.030 Why?
Cause of Death1200236840.020 Why?
Young Adult12018592070.020 Why?
Self Concept1199710430.020 Why?
Risk5198496120.020 Why?
Social Adjustment119936320.020 Why?
Adolescent72002883130.020 Why?
Violence219929370.020 Why?
Mexican Americans120091670.020 Why?
Hospital Mortality1200252910.020 Why?
Burns1197918820.020 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1200237040.020 Why?
United States32009723390.020 Why?
Cross-Cultural Comparison120096360.020 Why?
Skin1197944810.020 Why?
Research Design2199261780.020 Why?
Social Support2199221720.020 Why?
Self Care120107960.020 Why?
Aggression120097500.010 Why?
Time Factors12006399750.010 Why?
Nutrition Disorders119852050.010 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1198253350.010 Why?
Program Evaluation1201024940.010 Why?
Interviews as Topic1200926960.010 Why?
Psychotic Disorders1199732230.010 Why?
Physician's Role120089160.010 Why?
Awareness119856470.010 Why?
Accidents, Home11979710.010 Why?
Chronic Disease1199393200.010 Why?
Spouse Abuse119791820.010 Why?
Oklahoma11977360.010 Why?
Poverty1200926970.010 Why?
Cooperative Behavior1198515040.010 Why?
Social Environment1198210200.010 Why?
Family Characteristics1198210030.010 Why?
Models, Statistical1199150770.010 Why?
Methods1197610740.010 Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic1199445790.010 Why?
Longitudinal Studies11991145990.010 Why?
Child Abuse, Sexual119974030.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12002805820.010 Why?
Pediatrics1200835950.010 Why?
Age Factors12009184000.010 Why?
Feeding Behavior1198531870.010 Why?
Prognosis21983296200.010 Why?
Internal-External Control119933590.010 Why?
Mood Disorders1199711270.010 Why?
Autistic Disorder1199712200.000 Why?
Age of Onset1199433040.000 Why?
Statistics as Topic1199123580.000 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales1199460190.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.