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Dharma E. Cortes, Ph.D.

Concepts (116)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Health Literacy320214440.440 Why?
Dental Care for Children12011540.380 Why?
Cultural Characteristics220102510.370 Why?
Social Values120102250.310 Why?
Oral Health120114920.260 Why?
Research3201019820.230 Why?
Focus Groups5201114130.230 Why?
Parenting120107010.220 Why?
Informed Consent1201010080.210 Why?
Professional-Patient Relations120087260.210 Why?
Mental Health Services3200717300.170 Why?
Health Status Disparities1201118520.170 Why?
Interviews as Topic4201126960.160 Why?
Patient Participation1200814440.160 Why?
Dominican Republic22010760.160 Why?
Parents2201135630.150 Why?
Educational Status2200425220.150 Why?
Health Education1200410520.140 Why?
Psychometrics1200730650.140 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice5201540160.130 Why?
Urban Population3201120360.130 Why?
Home Health Aides11995160.120 Why?
Mental Disorders4201068450.110 Why?
Diet, Cariogenic1201160.100 Why?
Acculturation220101780.100 Why?
Fluoridation12011290.100 Why?
Toothbrushing12011460.100 Why?
Insurance, Dental12011640.090 Why?
Ecological and Environmental Phenomena12010100.090 Why?
Video Recording120159660.090 Why?
Consent Forms12010550.090 Why?
Socialization12010870.080 Why?
Dietary Sucrose120112430.080 Why?
Intergenerational Relations12010670.080 Why?
Spiritual Therapies12010600.080 Why?
Mexican Americans120101670.080 Why?
Emigration and Immigration120113970.080 Why?
Qualitative Research2201030230.080 Why?
Dental Caries120114280.070 Why?
Meditation120102510.070 Why?
Multilingualism12007870.070 Why?
Managed Care Programs220039400.070 Why?
Puerto Rico120073760.060 Why?
Models, Psychological120108280.060 Why?
Massachusetts2201188300.060 Why?
Women's Health1199520650.060 Why?
Language2201515400.060 Why?
Communication Barriers120084130.060 Why?
Mexico120077640.060 Why?
Comprehension120106210.060 Why?
Science120062390.050 Why?
Internet1201530920.050 Why?
Cultural Diversity120073690.050 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders2201044200.050 Why?
Attitude to Health2200820250.050 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 212004121480.040 Why?
Pilot Projects3201086310.040 Why?
Poverty1201126980.040 Why?
Mass Screening1199554280.040 Why?
Boston1201193260.040 Why?
Fee-for-Service Plans120037000.040 Why?
Patient Education as Topic1200823190.040 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1201178270.040 Why?
Medical History Taking120217740.040 Why?
Health Services Accessibility2201154400.030 Why?
Family Health1202112570.030 Why?
Vulnerable Populations120217030.030 Why?
Breast Self-Examination11995330.030 Why?
Humans1520217615040.030 Why?
Community Health Services120006560.030 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1201033580.030 Why?
Adult720152211770.030 Why?
Child32011801530.030 Why?
Guideline Adherence1200322200.030 Why?
New York City119957310.030 Why?
Vaginal Smears119954990.020 Why?
Asthma1201062340.020 Why?
HIV Infections22015173510.020 Why?
Female820153926440.020 Why?
School Nursing12010330.020 Why?
United States22010723340.020 Why?
Child, Preschool22010422300.020 Why?
Family1202131940.020 Why?
Demography1199516480.020 Why?
Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry)120103030.020 Why?
Cognition1200769900.020 Why?
Adolescent22008883190.020 Why?
Impulsive Behavior120103460.020 Why?
Young Adult22015592430.020 Why?
Neoplasms11995221700.020 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1200373900.020 Why?
Quality of Health Care1200043300.010 Why?
Middle Aged320082208950.010 Why?
Schizophrenia1200369370.010 Why?
Risk-Taking1201010380.010 Why?
Neoplasm Metastasis1199549150.010 Why?
Mammography1199524300.010 Why?
Male420153608040.010 Why?
Surgical Procedures, Operative1199519220.010 Why?
Patient Compliance1201026900.010 Why?
Personal Satisfaction120036440.010 Why?
Patient Satisfaction1201034610.010 Why?
Air Pollution1201023590.010 Why?
Health Services Research1200318120.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12015261250.010 Why?
Ambulatory Care1200327750.010 Why?
Data Collection1200033220.010 Why?
Medicaid1200328180.010 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1200038890.000 Why?
Medicare1200367700.000 Why?
Hospitalization12003107230.000 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12003391060.000 Why?
Quality of Life12003133670.000 Why?
Social Support1199121710.000 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological1199126290.000 Why?
Prospective Studies12003544250.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.