Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Andrew Kyle Simpson, M.D.

Co-Authors (42)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Andrew J Schoenfeld, M.D.20244210.110 Why?
Alexander Michael Crawford, M.D.2024279.840 Why?
Brendan Michael Striano, M.D.2024173.790 Why?
Stuart H Hershman, M.D.202451.130 Why?
Ikechukwu Amakiri, M.D.202420.950 Why?
Aditya Vishwas Karhade, M.D.202340.870 Why?
Bram Paul Verhofste, M.D.202420.470 Why?
Jeremy Taylor Smith, M.D.202220.430 Why?
Nattaly Greene, M.D.202140.350 Why?
Carew Cameron Giberson-Chen, M.D.202330.340 Why?
Polina Osler Kanj, M.D., Ph.D.201420.270 Why?
James D Kang, M.D.202220.270 Why?
Daniel J. Hedequist, M.D.202410.250 Why?
Andrew Michael Hresko, M.D.202410.250 Why?
Christopher M Bono, M.D.202330.230 Why?
Thomas C. Tsai, M.D.202110.210 Why?
Melvin Makhni, M.D.202140.190 Why?
Shaina Lipa, M.D.202010.190 Why?
Mitchel B Harris, M.D.202330.150 Why?
Zara R Cooper, M.D.202220.110 Why?
Jamie Claire Ye, M.D.202220.110 Why?
Matthew Roberts Naunheim, M.D.201110.100 Why?
Jean-Valery C E Coumans, M.D.201110.100 Why?
Marco Ferrone, M.D.202220.100 Why?
David P Magit, M.D.200720.100 Why?
Bradley Hammoor, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Joel Steven Weissman, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Tracy Ann Balboni, M.D.202210.050 Why?
John H Shin, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Daniel Tobert, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Nishant Suneja, M.D.202210.050 Why?
Antonia F. Chen, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Angel Mauricio Reyes, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Evan Kelston Stieler, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Chase Christian Marso, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Thomas Cha, M.D.201510.030 Why?
David Lawrence Berger, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Brian Vala Nahed, M.D.201110.030 Why?
Ed Harlow, Ph.D.200710.020 Why?
Stephanie Mohr, Ph.D.200710.020 Why?
Martha Leonia Bulyk, Ph.D.200710.020 Why?
Susanne J. Goldie, M.Ph.199810.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.