Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Michael Lamport Commons, Ph.D.

Concepts (105)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Expert Testimony1220122661.390 Why?
Forensic Psychiatry1220151981.360 Why?
Psychometrics3201430600.540 Why?
Prejudice320125680.510 Why?
Standard of Care120155690.370 Why?
Task Performance and Analysis120147710.330 Why?
Forensic Medicine12010680.320 Why?
Models, Statistical3201450920.310 Why?
Models, Psychological120108230.250 Why?
Criminal Law42012970.240 Why?
Executive Function1201413960.240 Why?
Data Interpretation, Statistical1201426940.220 Why?
Ethics, Professional320011000.200 Why?
Professional-Patient Relations320127240.180 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel4201139270.170 Why?
Disclosure420127550.160 Why?
Contract Services22001900.160 Why?
Professional Misconduct22012720.140 Why?
Substance Abuse Treatment Centers119971550.140 Why?
Terminology as Topic1200315400.130 Why?
Hierarchy, Social12015240.130 Why?
Mental Health Services3201117280.130 Why?
Visual Perception1200313920.120 Why?
Reproducibility of Results22014201460.110 Why?
Moral Obligations11995910.110 Why?
Truth Disclosure320064330.110 Why?
Persuasive Communication22012580.110 Why?
Law Enforcement119951120.110 Why?
Psychotherapy2201216480.100 Why?
Behavior120155380.100 Why?
Consultants12012570.100 Why?
Cognition1201070570.100 Why?
Institutionalization119921080.100 Why?
Factor Analysis, Statistical2201210010.090 Why?
Conflict of Interest119965560.090 Why?
Models, Theoretical2201535630.090 Why?
Professional Role120123140.080 Why?
Pilot Projects11201287280.080 Why?
Cross-Cultural Comparison120126360.080 Why?
Cultural Competency120123030.080 Why?
Interprofessional Relations320069980.080 Why?
Fees and Charges220011890.080 Why?
Narration120102230.070 Why?
Uncertainty120127650.070 Why?
Confidentiality120116070.070 Why?
Computer Simulation2202362580.060 Why?
Artifacts1201418970.060 Why?
Family1199632090.060 Why?
Qatar22012400.050 Why?
Sexual Behavior1199221930.050 Why?
Interviews as Topic1201027410.050 Why?
Erotica12002280.050 Why?
Humans2620157668120.050 Why?
Adult1220142233050.050 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders1199744210.050 Why?
Practice Management12001370.040 Why?
Jurisprudence120011090.040 Why?
Middle Aged1120142232670.040 Why?
Male1620143641540.040 Why?
Massachusetts1201288900.040 Why?
Female1520143965320.040 Why?
Adolescent42014889020.040 Why?
Privacy120012330.040 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12014146530.040 Why?
Telephone120026290.040 Why?
Psychiatry2201217150.040 Why?
Mental Health1201232690.040 Why?
Health Personnel1201233840.040 Why?
Maine119971460.040 Why?
Biological Evolution1202310750.040 Why?
Mental Disorders3201268690.030 Why?
Aged720141713440.030 Why?
Brazil2201212500.030 Why?
Moral Development11995130.030 Why?
Young Adult22014599390.030 Why?
Efficiency119974790.030 Why?
Regression Analysis2200363290.030 Why?
Psychiatric Nursing12012150.020 Why?
Job Satisfaction119965480.020 Why?
Travel119988060.020 Why?
Child22010806700.020 Why?
Cyclohexanes119701510.020 Why?
Morals119922880.020 Why?
Program Evaluation1199725040.020 Why?
Decision Making3200139510.020 Why?
Physician's Role119969250.020 Why?
United States92012729450.020 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12010263090.020 Why?
Stress, Psychological1200345260.020 Why?
Social Behavior1201211470.020 Why?
Interpersonal Relations1199214320.020 Why?
Ethics, Medical220017850.010 Why?
Data Collection2200633210.010 Why?
Anesthesia, General1197011880.010 Why?
Library Services1200120.010 Why?
Deception12001990.010 Why?
Brain12023271580.010 Why?
Quality Assurance, Health Care1200621710.010 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales1200260200.010 Why?
Cats119709720.010 Why?
Injections, Intramuscular119705510.010 Why?
Referral and Consultation1200236180.000 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12012595480.000 Why?
Comorbidity12002105800.000 Why?
Animals119701689390.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.