Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Marcia Angell, M.D.

Concepts (84)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Conflict of Interest620155471.180 Why?
Drug Industry720157871.180 Why?
Population Growth12017490.580 Why?
Intergenerational Relations12017680.560 Why?
Adult Children120171030.560 Why?
Academic Medical Centers4201527280.550 Why?
Health Facilities, Proprietary12015370.520 Why?
Organizations, Nonprofit120151050.500 Why?
Periodicals as Topic2201514560.440 Why?
Marketing220062200.440 Why?
Women, Working12014870.440 Why?
Politics320168070.420 Why?
Physicians, Women120174880.380 Why?
Publishing220148350.320 Why?
Privatization12008410.320 Why?
Publication Bias120081600.300 Why?
Employment1201411120.290 Why?
Interinstitutional Relations120082410.290 Why?
Taxes120092210.280 Why?
Mothers1201721780.270 Why?
Lobbying22004320.270 Why?
Health Care Reform3201612440.270 Why?
Research Support as Topic220086990.270 Why?
Academies and Institutes120083170.270 Why?
National Health Programs120084420.250 Why?
Psychotherapy2200216350.210 Why?
Interprofessional Relations120099910.210 Why?
Marketing of Health Services120021510.200 Why?
Single-Payer System22016350.180 Why?
Depressive Disorder2200237320.170 Why?
Commerce120046010.170 Why?
Health Status2200240580.160 Why?
Drug Costs2200411790.150 Why?
Delivery of Health Care4201652950.150 Why?
Ethics, Institutional22008380.150 Why?
Biomedical Research3200833890.140 Why?
Women's Rights12017650.140 Why?
Health Personnel1200932810.120 Why?
Clinical Trials as Topic2200880140.120 Why?
Social Responsibility220153850.120 Why?
Social Perception120174310.110 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1200216630.110 Why?
Editorial Policies120154560.090 Why?
Psychology220023530.090 Why?
United States102016719020.090 Why?
History, 20th Century1201727590.080 Why?
Organizational Policy220084290.080 Why?
Ethics, Clinical120081000.080 Why?
Economics119871410.070 Why?
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act1201611900.070 Why?
Policy Making120095400.060 Why?
Therapeutic Equivalency120041360.060 Why?
Ethics, Medical220067880.060 Why?
Journalism1200370.060 Why?
Government120041600.060 Why?
Professional-Patient Relations120097230.060 Why?
National Health Insurance, United States120031000.050 Why?
Canada1200821210.050 Why?
Gift Giving12002760.050 Why?
Government Regulation120025230.040 Why?
Quality Assurance, Health Care1200821760.040 Why?
Disclosure120037390.040 Why?
Physicians2200445610.040 Why?
Coronary Disease2200259940.040 Why?
Life Change Events120029500.040 Why?
Education, Medical1200917200.040 Why?
Drug Approval120028140.030 Why?
Humans920177558000.030 Why?
United States Food and Drug Administration1200216670.030 Why?
Quality of Life22002132040.020 Why?
Forecasting1201629280.020 Why?
Female220173880480.020 Why?
Moral Obligations11987940.020 Why?
Diagnosis119871520.020 Why?
Fees and Charges119871910.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome22002645600.020 Why?
Patient Advocacy119873580.010 Why?
Resource Allocation119873450.010 Why?
Insurance, Major Medical12003120.010 Why?
Health Care Rationing119874300.010 Why?
Cost Control120036270.010 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations1198732130.010 Why?
Hospitals1198739260.010 Why?
Societies, Medical1200338570.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.