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Mike Wolfson

Concepts (100)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Air Pollutants16202128440.680 Why?
Particulate Matter13202125590.490 Why?
Air Pollution6202023170.380 Why?
Environmental Monitoring9202114410.350 Why?
Air Pollution, Indoor520178930.350 Why?
Atmosphere Exposure Chambers42011510.270 Why?
Schools5202014800.260 Why?
Vehicle Emissions520196530.260 Why?
Particle Size9202116440.240 Why?
Dust320214830.240 Why?
Nitrogen Dioxide220175120.220 Why?
Power Plants320101230.220 Why?
Oxidants, Photochemical22017760.200 Why?
Carbon320186690.180 Why?
Radioactivity12020580.170 Why?
Inhalation Exposure220204290.160 Why?
Photochemistry220112390.160 Why?
Coal320101190.160 Why?
Asthma4202061720.160 Why?
Environmental Exposure7202044120.160 Why?
Ozone220164770.150 Why?
Pest Control12017290.150 Why?
Aerosols420196320.130 Why?
Altitude120161590.130 Why?
Toxicity Tests220111110.120 Why?
Urban Population3201720220.120 Why?
Nitrous Oxide120151660.120 Why?
Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission120141430.110 Why?
Volatile Organic Compounds22011840.110 Why?
School Health Services120173820.110 Why?
Filtration220152290.090 Why?
Organic Chemicals320192110.090 Why?
Membranes, Artificial120113670.090 Why?
Housing120146650.080 Why?
Qatar22019400.080 Why?
Carbon Monoxide120115410.080 Why?
Respiratory Function Tests3201716830.080 Why?
Dental Offices12007130.070 Why?
Volcanic Eruptions12006170.070 Why?
Polytetrafluoroethylene220202450.060 Why?
Air Pollutants, Occupational120074070.060 Why?
Models, Theoretical1201635620.060 Why?
Laboratories220214620.060 Why?
Seasons2201815220.050 Why?
Gasoline12019530.040 Why?
Wind12019410.040 Why?
Cities120205380.040 Why?
Diffusion220118130.040 Why?
Body Weights and Measures120172080.030 Why?
Mountaineering12016450.030 Why?
Nepal120163010.030 Why?
Skin Tests120176370.030 Why?
Oxidative Stress1200631060.030 Why?
Adsorption120151980.030 Why?
Air120141860.030 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12020157600.030 Why?
Single-Blind Method1201715780.030 Why?
Trace Elements120141960.030 Why?
World Health Organization1201813140.030 Why?
Health Services120177530.020 Why?
Stainless Steel12011790.020 Why?
Quality Control120148280.020 Why?
Equipment Design2201135200.020 Why?
Immunoglobulin E1201714840.020 Why?
Porosity120113490.020 Why?
Potassium1201513130.020 Why?
Metals120157360.020 Why?
Reproducibility of Results22021200800.020 Why?
Mortality1202029160.020 Why?
Premature Birth1202017700.020 Why?
Dental Equipment12007110.020 Why?
Dental Instruments12007170.020 Why?
Boston1202092780.020 Why?
Administration, Inhalation1201011560.020 Why?
Air Movements12006400.020 Why?
Volatilization12006790.020 Why?
Glutathione Reductase12006240.020 Why?
Child32020797990.020 Why?
Humans920207606130.020 Why?
Glutathione Peroxidase120062560.020 Why?
South Carolina120041000.010 Why?
Models, Chemical120066140.010 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis1201755080.010 Why?
Time Factors22020401390.010 Why?
Superoxide Dismutase120065940.010 Why?
Pilot Projects1201685560.010 Why?
Automation120045800.010 Why?
Calibration120048160.010 Why?
Research Design1201761800.010 Why?
Rats, Sprague-Dawley1201181580.010 Why?
United States22017724480.010 Why?
Male420203597180.010 Why?
Quality of Life12017133080.010 Why?
Rats12011237090.010 Why?
Female320203912460.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12017420560.010 Why?
Massachusetts1200788030.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12020803450.010 Why?
Adolescent12017878090.010 Why?
Animals220111679600.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.