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Trudy Di Pang, M.D.

Concepts (101)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Epilepsy16202432602.230 Why?
Breast Feeding3202413571.390 Why?
Status Epilepticus320214560.730 Why?
Arrhythmias, Cardiac5202222530.660 Why?
Counseling2202415500.640 Why?
Epilepsies, Partial120224250.630 Why?
Seizures6202229080.570 Why?
Obstetrics120246680.570 Why?
Electrocardiography, Ambulatory120195780.550 Why?
Heart Arrest5202315030.480 Why?
Heart Rate4202341650.430 Why?
Electroencephalography8202361740.360 Why?
Anticonvulsants5202418790.330 Why?
Electrocardiography8202364000.310 Why?
Nervous System Malformations120082440.260 Why?
Coma320234870.230 Why?
Vagus Nerve Stimulation220222240.220 Why?
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate120241560.220 Why?
Acceleration120221890.190 Why?
Long QT Syndrome120224650.140 Why?
Monitoring, Ambulatory120193530.130 Why?
Morbidity1202117630.130 Why?
Atrial Fibrillation2202351970.120 Why?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation2201414660.120 Why?
Death, Sudden, Cardiac1202215720.120 Why?
Humans2720247590980.110 Why?
Cerebral Cortex1200857540.100 Why?
Mothers1202221810.100 Why?
Brain Injuries1202320430.100 Why?
Remote Sensing Technology12012920.090 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1202438640.090 Why?
Death, Sudden220223020.080 Why?
Pattern Recognition, Automated220129880.080 Why?
Electrodiagnosis120091480.080 Why?
Epilepsy, Partial, Motor1200850.080 Why?
Epilepsy, Reflex12008250.070 Why?
Heart Atria2202313440.070 Why?
Genetic Predisposition to Disease12008177480.070 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22024258530.070 Why?
Physicians1202445830.070 Why?
Female920243901740.060 Why?
Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted2201214890.060 Why?
Adult920242193530.060 Why?
Chronic Disease1201992450.060 Why?
Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted120097090.060 Why?
Sleep1202047340.060 Why?
Contraceptive Agents, Female120241180.050 Why?
Neurophysiology120231440.050 Why?
Hospitalization12022107320.050 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis1201454990.050 Why?
Middle Aged620242196280.050 Why?
Prospective Studies32022541900.050 Why?
Video Recording220219530.050 Why?
Retrospective Studies42023801250.050 Why?
Delayed-Action Preparations120249610.040 Why?
Infant12022359400.040 Why?
Pregnancy12021296500.040 Why?
New York120218740.040 Why?
Cohort Studies12019412660.030 Why?
Cell Movement1200851960.030 Why?
Cross-Over Studies1202120580.030 Why?
Critical Care1200826920.030 Why?
Syndrome1202132750.030 Why?
Telemedicine1201229970.030 Why?
Monitoring, Physiologic1202117830.030 Why?
Heart2202143910.030 Why?
Algorithms12012139510.020 Why?
Cell Differentiation12008114610.020 Why?
Electronics, Medical12009720.020 Why?
Male520193586020.020 Why?
Therapy, Computer-Assisted120092670.020 Why?
Brain Damage, Chronic120082670.020 Why?
Electrodes120096130.020 Why?
Dominance, Cerebral120086220.020 Why?
Atherosclerosis1202135250.020 Why?
Heart Conduction System1200910150.010 Why?
Mutation12008298780.010 Why?
Young Adult22024584770.010 Why?
Evoked Potentials1200910310.010 Why?
Substance Withdrawal Syndrome120086230.010 Why?
Activities of Daily Living1201224130.010 Why?
Brain Stem120088560.010 Why?
Functional Laterality1200922530.010 Why?
Arousal1200811570.010 Why?
Action Potentials1200918100.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome32014648670.010 Why?
Incidence12020213440.010 Why?
Thalamus1200810410.010 Why?
Frontal Lobe1200814220.010 Why?
Prognosis12021295590.010 Why?
Temporal Lobe1200816870.010 Why?
Intensive Care Units1201337300.010 Why?
Risk Factors22021741670.010 Why?
Child22021796040.010 Why?
Adolescent12024875510.010 Why?
Aged220211686150.010 Why?
Predictive Value of Tests12009152620.010 Why?
Neurons1200994100.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12008588640.000 Why?
Brain12009268600.000 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12008361640.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.