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Raymond William Lovett, Ph.D.

Concepts (146)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Health Services, Indigenous212024659.090 Why?
Australia42202412873.550 Why?
Smoking Cessation6202120591.130 Why?
Smoking9202390660.940 Why?
Population Groups320222110.800 Why?
Forestry12018100.640 Why?
Family Health1202312580.620 Why?
Cultural Characteristics120182540.560 Why?
Family Relations120183180.530 Why?
Product Packaging12015240.530 Why?
Conservation of Natural Resources120182110.520 Why?
Cultural Competency120192920.510 Why?
Personal Satisfaction220186420.480 Why?
Psychometrics2202130460.470 Why?
Longitudinal Studies102024144420.430 Why?
Health Status3202440790.420 Why?
Case Management120142720.420 Why?
Suicide1202115990.340 Why?
Perception1201511890.330 Why?
New South Wales22021700.330 Why?
Attitude to Health1201720280.320 Why?
Foundations22019970.320 Why?
Policy220225110.300 Why?
Adult2420242193900.290 Why?
Humans5720247592550.280 Why?
Feeding Behavior1201931830.280 Why?
Cause of Death1201737210.280 Why?
Medical Record Linkage120082890.270 Why?
Healthcare Disparities2202133680.270 Why?
Anxiety1202145270.270 Why?
Caregivers1201822140.270 Why?
Family Practice120085100.260 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice3201939590.260 Why?
Health Personnel1201933090.250 Why?
Confidentiality120086100.230 Why?
Queensland12023530.220 Why?
Alcoholism1201419520.220 Why?
Pets12023430.220 Why?
Disease Notification12023980.220 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202153170.210 Why?
Zoonoses120231790.210 Why?
Review Literature as Topic220223390.200 Why?
Health Care Sector120241960.200 Why?
Cats120239700.200 Why?
Health Surveys4202340600.200 Why?
Middle Aged1520232196530.190 Why?
Forecasting3202129310.190 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases42020157280.190 Why?
National Health Programs220234420.180 Why?
Genetic Privacy12020600.170 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies82023258600.170 Why?
Community-Based Participatory Research120212200.170 Why?
Focus Groups2202213670.160 Why?
Reproducibility of Results32022200310.160 Why?
Cohort Studies42023412470.160 Why?
Male1820233587190.160 Why?
Female2020243902400.160 Why?
Dogs1202338380.150 Why?
Climate Change120244900.150 Why?
Urban Health Services120181770.150 Why?
Dietary Sucrose120192440.150 Why?
Health Promotion2202122040.140 Why?
Physical Examination1202312430.140 Why?
Smoke120182360.140 Why?
Attitude120217770.140 Why?
Australian Capital Territory1201410.120 Why?
Mass Screening2202354190.120 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1200838630.120 Why?
Prevalence62022156410.120 Why?
Culture120186220.120 Why?
Aged820221686170.120 Why?
Neoplasms12023220190.120 Why?
Social Support2201421410.110 Why?
Beverages120198190.110 Why?
Adolescent82023875600.110 Why?
Program Evaluation2202424870.110 Why?
Hypolipidemic Agents120186260.110 Why?
Urban Population2201920150.110 Why?
Health Policy2202326760.100 Why?
Self Report2202236990.100 Why?
Information Dissemination1202011320.100 Why?
Research Design3202461680.100 Why?
Fruit1201611620.090 Why?
Chronic Disease2202392820.090 Why?
Vegetables1201611980.090 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1200853770.090 Why?
Child, Preschool42023419350.090 Why?
Sex Distribution1201522940.090 Why?
Overweight1202124200.090 Why?
Self Efficacy120146310.090 Why?
Diet2201980020.090 Why?
Pilot Projects1202385400.090 Why?
Regression Analysis1201963590.080 Why?
Health Behavior2201826190.080 Why?
Aged, 80 and over32021588670.080 Why?
Young Adult52020584830.080 Why?
Rural Population1201922600.080 Why?
Information Storage and Retrieval120148210.080 Why?
Environmental Exposure1202343890.080 Why?
Mental Health2202431950.080 Why?
Program Development1201412950.080 Why?
Tobacco Industry220191350.070 Why?
Lipids1201833360.070 Why?
Analysis of Variance1201562420.070 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1201977900.060 Why?
Community Health Services120106530.060 Why?
Mortality1201629140.060 Why?
Victoria12024640.060 Why?
Genomics1202057750.060 Why?
Hyperlipidemias220207820.060 Why?
Sex Factors12017105180.060 Why?
Biomedical Research1201834160.050 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1202074600.050 Why?
Health Planning120242320.050 Why?
Health Services Needs and Demand1201013960.050 Why?
Risk Factors52021741670.050 Why?
Interviews as Topic1200826490.050 Why?
Age Factors12017183940.050 Why?
Child52023796230.050 Why?
Community Health Planning120211650.040 Why?
Africa120217060.040 Why?
Infant, Newborn12019261090.040 Why?
Genetic Research120201720.040 Why?
Melanesia12018140.040 Why?
Prospective Studies22021542040.040 Why?
Environmental Health120212820.040 Why?
Infant12019359410.040 Why?
Human Rights120203060.040 Why?
Access to Information120203200.030 Why?
Organizational Objectives120184290.030 Why?
Canada1202121240.030 Why?
Geography120186610.030 Why?
Commerce120216040.030 Why?
Animals220231678380.030 Why?
Food Preferences120163990.030 Why?
Triglycerides1202024750.020 Why?
Social Environment1201610190.020 Why?
Cholesterol1202029230.020 Why?
Choice Behavior120168170.020 Why?
Retrospective Studies12019801210.020 Why?
Algorithms22020139460.020 Why?
Risk Assessment22020240490.020 Why?
Genome, Human1202044120.020 Why?
Body Mass Index12021128740.010 Why?
Obesity12021128960.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12016392160.010 Why?
Lovett's Networks
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Concepts (146)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.