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Qinheng Zheng, Ph.D.

Concepts (80)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Fluorides620211341.900 Why?
Sulfur Compounds42021321.740 Why?
Proto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras)3202417251.100 Why?
Click Chemistry62021951.030 Why?
Aspartic Acid120245760.770 Why?
Leukocyte Elastase120191140.640 Why?
Serine Proteinase Inhibitors120191750.610 Why?
Amines220172810.530 Why?
Sulfhydryl Compounds120162970.490 Why?
Sulfinic Acids32019150.480 Why?
Iodides12013390.460 Why?
Tetrahydroisoquinolines12013810.440 Why?
Alkynes120133120.420 Why?
Aldehydes120131700.420 Why?
Radiopharmaceuticals1202126340.370 Why?
Copper120133660.370 Why?
Water1201614020.350 Why?
Molecular Structure6201918650.310 Why?
Cell Proliferation12024104170.300 Why?
Sulfur220191630.290 Why?
Ethylenes22017430.290 Why?
Sulfonic Acids220171020.280 Why?
Alkylation12024840.230 Why?
Pancreatic Neoplasms1202253490.230 Why?
Mutation32024299150.210 Why?
Antineoplastic Agents22024135910.210 Why?
Crystallography, X-Ray2202419740.190 Why?
Coloring Agents120235600.190 Why?
Drug Stability120212900.180 Why?
Exotoxins120201210.170 Why?
Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitors120201890.170 Why?
Imines12019270.160 Why?
Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerases120214250.160 Why?
Inhibitory Concentration 50120194620.160 Why?
Fluorine Radioisotopes120214130.150 Why?
Fluorine Compounds1201760.150 Why?
Magnesium Oxide12016110.140 Why?
Potassium Compounds12016420.140 Why?
Drug Discovery2202210440.140 Why?
Chlorine12016570.140 Why?
Sulfates120173790.130 Why?
Catalysis220177720.130 Why?
Solutions120164110.130 Why?
Cell Line, Tumor22024168860.130 Why?
Protein Folding120198670.130 Why?
Models, Molecular1202454100.110 Why?
Enzyme Activation1201935930.110 Why?
Stereoisomerism120136130.100 Why?
Transplantation, Heterologous1202123780.100 Why?
Peptides1202343410.100 Why?
Alleles1202268950.090 Why?
Protein Binding2202093120.090 Why?
Polymers1201716150.090 Why?
Contrast Media1202152980.070 Why?
Oxidation-Reduction1201322220.070 Why?
Bacterial Proteins1202038240.070 Why?
Animals320241677770.070 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic1202285060.060 Why?
Mice22024811070.060 Why?
Positron-Emission Tomography1202164570.060 Why?
Multiple Myeloma1202251290.060 Why?
Luminescence120231080.050 Why?
Carbocyanines120231750.050 Why?
Microsomes, Liver120201730.040 Why?
Hydrocarbons, Fluorinated12019380.040 Why?
Humans620247583810.040 Why?
Jurkat Cells120207350.040 Why?
Ions120192560.040 Why?
Catalytic Domain120207050.040 Why?
Organosilicon Compounds1201740.040 Why?
Azides120171180.040 Why?
Polymerization120171570.030 Why?
Methylation1201910800.030 Why?
Fluorescent Dyes1202318970.030 Why?
Ligands1202232580.030 Why?
High-Throughput Screening Assays120209330.030 Why?
Phenols120175140.030 Why?
Neoplasms12021220300.020 Why?
Aniline Compounds1201710680.020 Why?
Benzhydryl Compounds120179000.020 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.