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Stefano Spina, M.D.

Concepts (82)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Respiratory Insufficiency2202312110.870 Why?
Emergency Medical Services3202319500.810 Why?
Hospital Rapid Response Team12020580.680 Why?
Nitric Oxide4202321520.670 Why?
Hemolysis120194290.590 Why?
Tracheostomy120194080.520 Why?
Larynx120195030.480 Why?
Acute Kidney Injury2201918940.360 Why?
Critical Care2202026960.350 Why?
Patient Care Team1202025550.320 Why?
Cardiac Surgical Procedures2201935610.300 Why?
Brain Injuries1201920330.290 Why?
Respiratory Mechanics220226960.290 Why?
Cerebral Hemorrhage1201726620.270 Why?
Pulmonary Gas Exchange220233820.240 Why?
Hemofiltration12023550.220 Why?
Tetrachloroethylene1202270.220 Why?
Administration, Inhalation2202311290.210 Why?
Acidosis, Lactic120231440.200 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202031360.200 Why?
Italy220238310.200 Why?
Respiration, Artificial3202426110.200 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032460.200 Why?
Pulmonary Circulation120237500.180 Why?
Cough120235660.180 Why?
Patient Positioning120223240.170 Why?
Health Planning120202370.160 Why?
Civil Defense120201110.160 Why?
Glasgow Coma Scale120195750.150 Why?
Intracranial Hypertension120191890.140 Why?
Positive-Pressure Respiration120206370.130 Why?
Lung3202499900.120 Why?
Cardiopulmonary Bypass1201910700.120 Why?
Drug Evaluation, Preclinical1201913710.120 Why?
Interprofessional Relations1202010190.110 Why?
Aged720231656290.110 Why?
Patient Transfer120207740.110 Why?
Hemodynamics2202242160.110 Why?
Intraoperative Complications1201912060.100 Why?
Retrospective Studies42023787580.100 Why?
Intubation, Intratracheal1201913700.100 Why?
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation1202013790.080 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12023147610.080 Why?
Middle Aged620232160540.080 Why?
Humans1420247527410.080 Why?
Postoperative Complications22019154590.070 Why?
Endothelium, Vascular1201944590.070 Why?
Boston1202093480.070 Why?
Intensive Care Units1201737170.060 Why?
Calcium Citrate1202380.060 Why?
Hospital Mortality1201753670.060 Why?
Citrates120231320.060 Why?
Citric Acid120231270.060 Why?
Anniversaries and Special Events12023910.050 Why?
Crowding120231480.050 Why?
Renal Replacement Therapy120232450.050 Why?
Incidence12019211460.050 Why?
Prognosis22019292640.050 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1201773550.050 Why?
Endothelium-Dependent Relaxing Factors12019200.040 Why?
Female620223850900.040 Why?
Algorithms12020139840.040 Why?
Male520223543110.040 Why?
Adult320232166580.040 Why?
Prospective Studies12023538630.040 Why?
Anti-Arrhythmia Agents120227920.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12019235540.040 Why?
Respiration1202416740.040 Why?
Cohort Studies12019409390.030 Why?
Vascular Resistance120199500.030 Why?
Cross-Over Studies1202220430.030 Why?
Time Factors12017401950.030 Why?
Risk Factors12019730940.030 Why?
Acute Disease1202272210.030 Why?
Treatment Outcome12017640170.020 Why?
Calcium1202357740.020 Why?
Anticoagulants1202347380.020 Why?
Animals120191696000.020 Why?
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug12019109140.020 Why?
Liver1202275380.020 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12022583610.010 Why?
Child12019785940.010 Why?
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Concepts (82)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.