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Jonathan Strecker, Ph.D.

Concepts (54)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Transposases320211071.570 Why?
DNA Transposable Elements420237470.980 Why?
Deltaproteobacteria1202280.890 Why?
Bacterial Proteins5202238510.810 Why?
Cyanobacteria12019490.680 Why?
Endopeptidases120227720.660 Why?
Bacillus12019780.650 Why?
Deoxyribonucleases120192140.600 Why?
Mutagenesis, Insertional120196520.560 Why?
Genome, Human1201944130.260 Why?
Archaeal Proteins12022560.210 Why?
Cryoelectron Microscopy220225790.210 Why?
Archaea12022600.210 Why?
Receptors, Pattern Recognition12022800.200 Why?
Sigma Factor120221740.200 Why?
Allosteric Regulation120224090.190 Why?
Substrate Specificity2202218010.190 Why?
Bacteria2202221120.190 Why?
RNA, Bacterial120223910.190 Why?
RNA2202027440.170 Why?
Prevotella12019790.170 Why?
Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques120213240.170 Why?
Plasmids2202323120.160 Why?
Enzyme Activation1202236860.140 Why?
Molecular Diagnostic Techniques120216030.140 Why?
Endonucleases120193790.140 Why?
DNA, Bacterial1202114670.130 Why?
DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded120205950.130 Why?
Viral Proteins1202219000.130 Why?
Single-Cell Analysis1202121580.090 Why?
Protein Conformation1201940100.090 Why?
Immunity, Innate1202229700.090 Why?
Models, Molecular1201954440.080 Why?
Transcription, Genetic1202276940.080 Why?
Genetic Variation1202065200.060 Why?
Cell Line12019159840.060 Why?
Recombinases12023670.060 Why?
T-Lymphocytes12019101770.050 Why?
Bacteriophages120223570.040 Why?
Enzyme Stability120192100.040 Why?
Tyrosine1202314600.040 Why?
K562 Cells120206330.040 Why?
Lung Neoplasms12021131050.040 Why?
Recombination, Genetic1202115850.030 Why?
Phylogeny1202227960.030 Why?
Mutation12019297010.030 Why?
Crystallography, X-Ray1201920100.030 Why?
HEK293 Cells1202041950.020 Why?
Humans420227435210.020 Why?
Computational Biology1202134950.020 Why?
Epigenesis, Genetic1202136320.020 Why?
Protein Binding1201993700.020 Why?
Animals220221684340.010 Why?
Mice12021809990.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.