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Kevin Thomas Pritchard, Ph.D.

Concepts (64)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Occupational Therapy520221392.280 Why?
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee4202313671.500 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid4202337621.060 Why?
Physical Therapy Modalities220225360.730 Why?
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip2202114030.700 Why?
Activities of Daily Living3202424140.690 Why?
Orthotic Devices120191290.610 Why?
Independent Living120225680.600 Why?
Upper Extremity120196610.460 Why?
Pain, Postoperative1202117180.360 Why?
Medicare4202467710.340 Why?
Dementia1202426380.340 Why?
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act1201912000.320 Why?
Opioid-Related Disorders1202321350.320 Why?
Health Policy1201926780.270 Why?
Health Expenditures1201923590.270 Why?
Algorithms12024139670.220 Why?
Pain3202350660.220 Why?
Delivery of Health Care3202253240.210 Why?
Retirement120221990.180 Why?
Skilled Nursing Facilities220213980.170 Why?
Home Care Services120246530.150 Why?
Nursing Homes1202410760.140 Why?
Stroke1201999450.140 Why?
Social Stigma120227310.130 Why?
United States62024723630.120 Why?
Retrospective Studies62024803010.120 Why?
Lower Extremity1202211960.120 Why?
Social Behavior1202011300.110 Why?
Patient Discharge3202134750.110 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders2202243700.110 Why?
Humans1820247602610.110 Why?
Geriatric Assessment1202014050.110 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22023259280.100 Why?
Aged620241689950.080 Why?
Health Status1202140810.070 Why?
Aged, 80 and over22024589470.070 Why?
Intensive Care Units1202037370.070 Why?
Patient Readmission1202133270.070 Why?
Sepsis1202025940.070 Why?
Exercise1202257830.060 Why?
Female720243910110.060 Why?
Adult320232198470.060 Why?
Cognition1202169480.050 Why?
Humanities12022540.050 Why?
Male420243594130.050 Why?
Narration120222180.040 Why?
Treatment Outcome22023649470.040 Why?
Subacute Care120211770.040 Why?
Cohort Studies12021413170.040 Why?
Attitude120227770.030 Why?
Social Justice120214780.030 Why?
Japan1202113690.030 Why?
Gender Identity120216990.030 Why?
China1202123400.030 Why?
Psychotherapy1202216400.030 Why?
Child12020797580.030 Why?
Feasibility Studies1202152010.020 Why?
Recovery of Function1202029820.020 Why?
Middle Aged120222201750.020 Why?
Length of Stay1202064720.020 Why?
Health Personnel1202033100.020 Why?
Hospitalization12020107610.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12021542630.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.