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Nora Penzel, Ph.D.

Concepts (68)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Psychotic Disorders11202330460.990 Why?
Cannabis320224400.740 Why?
Schizophrenia10202468820.680 Why?
Bipolar Disorder3202450270.190 Why?
Hallucinogens120211800.160 Why?
Bullying120212100.160 Why?
Receptors, Dopamine D3120181100.150 Why?
Nerve Net2201921750.150 Why?
Dopamine Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins120184220.140 Why?
Receptors, Dopamine D2120184750.140 Why?
Thalamus1202110230.120 Why?
Marijuana Abuse120184030.120 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging72024354250.110 Why?
Child Abuse1202110300.110 Why?
Schizophrenic Psychology1201916780.100 Why?
Corpus Striatum1201812210.100 Why?
Hallucinations220223600.080 Why?
Brain82024263880.080 Why?
Attention1201923970.080 Why?
Depressive Disorder1202137470.080 Why?
Alcoholism1201819060.080 Why?
Genome-Wide Association Study22022122620.070 Why?
Brain Mapping1202166700.060 Why?
Cognition Disorders1201940430.060 Why?
Stress, Psychological1202042450.060 Why?
Depression2202177590.060 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major1202146390.060 Why?
Opioid-Related Disorders1201820640.060 Why?
Humans2120247443660.050 Why?
Delusions120223000.040 Why?
Psychopathology120224090.040 Why?
Cognition3202167700.040 Why?
Multicenter Studies as Topic1202316770.040 Why?
Personality120225520.040 Why?
Principal Component Analysis120219400.040 Why?
Risk Factors52022722960.040 Why?
Workflow120218470.030 Why?
Adolescent22021857790.030 Why?
Longitudinal Studies22022139910.030 Why?
Cluster Analysis1202227150.030 Why?
Male920233501150.030 Why?
Multifactorial Inheritance1202211950.030 Why?
Adult720222140520.030 Why?
Executive Function1202313640.030 Why?
Female920233801930.030 Why?
Europe1202133380.030 Why?
Disease Susceptibility1202117820.030 Why?
Minority Groups1202112210.030 Why?
Sexual Behavior1202120550.030 Why?
Prognosis22021290600.020 Why?
Neural Pathways1202129740.020 Why?
Anxiety Disorders1202126900.020 Why?
Mental Health1202130100.020 Why?
Neuropsychological Tests1201969940.020 Why?
Comorbidity12021103880.020 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12019122440.020 Why?
Cerebral Cortex1202257090.020 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12021147230.020 Why?
Young Adult22021564290.020 Why?
Child22021777090.010 Why?
Genetic Predisposition to Disease12022174460.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12022250390.010 Why?
Algorithms12020138820.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12021390520.010 Why?
Time Factors12021400750.010 Why?
Aged220221632880.010 Why?
United States12020698720.010 Why?
Middle Aged120202133900.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.