Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Alexandra Medline, M.D.

Concepts (83)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Quarantine120201760.630 Why?
Self Efficacy120226300.600 Why?
Homosexuality, Male3201712730.480 Why?
Chlamydia Infections120163620.420 Why?
Surgical Wound Infection1202215270.420 Why?
Gonorrhea120163430.400 Why?
Opioid-Related Disorders2202221380.360 Why?
Patient Preference120179220.330 Why?
Prenatal Diagnosis1201612640.320 Why?
Patient Readmission1202233220.290 Why?
Mass Screening3201754220.280 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid2202237630.280 Why?
Diagnostic Self Evaluation220172250.250 Why?
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious1201621250.230 Why?
Sarcina12023100.230 Why?
Health Policy1201626770.230 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202030850.210 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032050.210 Why?
Manipulation, Orthopedic12022400.210 Why?
Los Angeles320172430.200 Why?
Pandemics1202086230.180 Why?
Infertility, Male120223960.160 Why?
Stomach120236940.160 Why?
Morbidity1202217650.140 Why?
HIV Infections32017171650.130 Why?
Self Concept1202210390.130 Why?
Pain, Postoperative2202217200.120 Why?
Chlamydia trachomatis120162380.120 Why?
Focus Groups2201713780.120 Why?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae120162380.110 Why?
Orthopedics120228920.110 Why?
Confidentiality120176090.100 Why?
Body Composition1202124190.100 Why?
Anxiety Disorders1202227140.090 Why?
Emergency Medical Services1202219250.090 Why?
Qualitative Research2201729630.080 Why?
Carcinoma, Renal Cell1202432180.080 Why?
Databases, Factual1202480220.080 Why?
Pregnancy Complications1202229420.080 Why?
Kidney Neoplasms1202443120.070 Why?
Quality Improvement1202238350.070 Why?
Neoplasm Recurrence, Local1202492780.070 Why?
Humans1320247606130.060 Why?
Retrospective Studies32022803450.060 Why?
Risk Factors32024743330.060 Why?
Incidence12022213910.060 Why?
Clostridium120231000.060 Why?
Young Adult42017587480.050 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1201731640.050 Why?
Morphine Derivatives12022420.050 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1202278180.050 Why?
Adult520222200070.050 Why?
Infant, Newborn22022261790.050 Why?
United States22020724480.050 Why?
Adolescent32017878090.040 Why?
Semen120223460.040 Why?
Postoperative Complications12022156790.040 Why?
Pregnancy Rate120226490.040 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201753970.040 Why?
Pregnancy22022297460.040 Why?
Male720243597180.040 Why?
Time Factors12020401390.040 Why?
Spermatozoa120226310.040 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed12021205090.040 Why?
Female620243912460.040 Why?
Reagent Kits, Diagnostic120172380.030 Why?
Aged320241691430.030 Why?
Fertilization in Vitro1202212920.030 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12021362860.030 Why?
Pregnancy Outcome1202229070.020 Why?
Social Stigma120177340.020 Why?
HIV Seropositivity120169550.020 Why?
Interviews as Topic1201726590.020 Why?
Neoplasm Staging12024111520.020 Why?
Pilot Projects1202285560.020 Why?
Social Support1201721450.020 Why?
Family1201731890.020 Why?
Prognosis12024296610.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12021259410.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12023589800.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12022543060.010 Why?
Middle Aged220242203590.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12016392620.010 Why?
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Concepts (83)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.