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Dana Leonard, M.D.

Concepts (69)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Diskectomy420172090.840 Why?
Lumbar Vertebrae6201718790.570 Why?
Vascular System Injuries120202460.530 Why?
Spondylolisthesis120161750.450 Why?
Cervical Vertebrae220189800.430 Why?
Activities of Daily Living1201724210.290 Why?
Spinal Neoplasms320177160.250 Why?
Lumbosacral Region220172930.240 Why?
Spinal Injuries220183010.220 Why?
Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted1201633590.210 Why?
Protective Clothing120211030.190 Why?
Radiation Protection120214240.150 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging62018364290.150 Why?
Injury Severity Score1202010450.130 Why?
Lipomatosis120161120.120 Why?
Epidural Space120161220.120 Why?
Preoperative Period120175510.120 Why?
Radiculopathy120162020.120 Why?
Spinal Cord Diseases120162920.110 Why?
Bone Neoplasms2201525290.110 Why?
Breast1202119670.100 Why?
Blood Loss, Surgical120156380.100 Why?
Occupational Exposure1202118130.090 Why?
Decompression, Surgical120166070.090 Why?
Neurosurgical Procedures3201720720.090 Why?
Postoperative Care1201614680.090 Why?
Pain Measurement2201735510.080 Why?
Disability Evaluation1201718360.080 Why?
Liver Diseases1201612980.070 Why?
Orthopedic Procedures1201612650.070 Why?
Mortality1201729010.070 Why?
Retrospective Studies62020806460.060 Why?
Postoperative Complications22016156330.050 Why?
Postoperative Period2201718140.050 Why?
Incidence12020213550.050 Why?
Female1420213926860.050 Why?
Male1320183608420.040 Why?
Intraoperative Period120215100.040 Why?
Survival Analysis32017100900.040 Why?
Humans1620217615720.040 Why?
Severity of Illness Index12015158430.040 Why?
Fluoroscopy120219470.040 Why?
Treatment Outcome32017646840.030 Why?
Physicians, Women120215090.030 Why?
Risk Factors22020742130.030 Why?
Middle Aged1020182209200.030 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed12018205710.030 Why?
Aged820181693100.030 Why?
Serum Albumin120166720.030 Why?
Phantoms, Imaging1202125260.030 Why?
Back Pain120165450.030 Why?
Length of Stay2201664260.020 Why?
Organ Size1201722540.020 Why?
Adult820182212030.020 Why?
Wounds, Nonpenetrating120188070.020 Why?
Radiotherapy1201714990.020 Why?
Propensity Score1201819130.020 Why?
Prospective Studies32017544260.020 Why?
Aged, 80 and over32016589860.020 Why?
Reoperation1201643030.020 Why?
Kaplan-Meier Estimate1201664840.020 Why?
Neoplasm Metastasis1201549150.010 Why?
Neoplasm Staging12015111210.010 Why?
Young Adult22016592550.010 Why?
Case-Control Studies12016221760.010 Why?
Body Mass Index12016129540.010 Why?
Adolescent22016883240.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12015391070.010 Why?
Lung Neoplasms12016133820.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.