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Manolo Rubio Garcia, M.D.

Concepts (44)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Radial Artery120201940.660 Why?
Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial120212890.580 Why?
Thrombocythemia, Essential120181050.570 Why?
Femoral Artery120208450.550 Why?
Chest Pain1202011140.460 Why?
Quinazolines1201813560.390 Why?
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy320171250.380 Why?
Tachycardia, Ventricular1201812730.340 Why?
Coronary Angiography1202045760.320 Why?
Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors2201830700.270 Why?
Echocardiography3202150990.200 Why?
Hydroxyurea120182890.140 Why?
Ventricular Function, Left2202136660.140 Why?
Electrocardiography2201864420.120 Why?
Radiation Dosage1202019280.100 Why?
Ventricular Dysfunction, Left1201720730.070 Why?
Liver Cirrhosis1201618620.070 Why?
Liver Transplantation1201621190.060 Why?
Reproducibility of Results22021199050.060 Why?
Predictive Value of Tests12021150780.060 Why?
Cardiomyopathies1201619120.060 Why?
Prognosis22021290600.050 Why?
Age Factors12018183730.050 Why?
Humans820217443660.040 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus1201657490.040 Why?
Diastole120167910.030 Why?
Treatment Outcome12020631070.030 Why?
Risk Factors22018722960.030 Why?
Stroke1201699810.030 Why?
Aged420181632880.030 Why?
Observer Variation1201725930.020 Why?
Statistics as Topic1201623730.020 Why?
Female520183801930.020 Why?
Heart Ventricles1201738170.020 Why?
Retrospective Studies32017774600.010 Why?
Disease Progression12016132860.010 Why?
Prevalence12016152210.010 Why?
Male420173501150.010 Why?
Incidence12016209520.010 Why?
Hypertension1201684790.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12016390520.010 Why?
Middle Aged220162133900.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12016577760.010 Why?
United States12016698720.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.