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Mark Joseph Robitaille, M.D.

Concepts (52)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Pterygium12011260.390 Why?
Body Water120123400.370 Why?
Tears120122510.350 Why?
Amnion120111970.350 Why?
Sjogren's Syndrome120122380.350 Why?
Conjunctiva120114790.300 Why?
Lipids1201233410.180 Why?
Aortic Valve Stenosis2202320010.170 Why?
Tomography, Optical Coherence1201229170.160 Why?
Models, Animal2201221120.120 Why?
Fluorophotometry12012400.100 Why?
Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation1202315530.100 Why?
Fourier Analysis120124410.090 Why?
Anesthesia1202215950.090 Why?
Anesthesiology1202111200.090 Why?
Heart Diseases1202227810.080 Why?
Acute Kidney Injury1202119240.080 Why?
Larynx120124920.070 Why?
Transplantation, Autologous1201121150.070 Why?
Vocal Cords120105220.060 Why?
Secondary Prevention1201114750.060 Why?
Laryngoscopy120107070.060 Why?
ROC Curve1201235790.060 Why?
Internship and Residency1202258820.050 Why?
Independent Living120235790.040 Why?
Echocardiography, Transesophageal1202210860.030 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12012200990.030 Why?
Aortic Valve1202319550.030 Why?
Speech Acoustics120121540.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome22023646840.020 Why?
Kymography12010120.020 Why?
Adult320222212030.020 Why?
Phonation120102200.020 Why?
Curriculum1202237430.020 Why?
Vibration120103280.020 Why?
Sheep1201014400.020 Why?
Middle Aged220122209200.020 Why?
Mucous Membrane120106590.020 Why?
Humans620237615720.020 Why?
Rabbits1201247720.020 Why?
Dogs1201038390.020 Why?
Video Recording120109670.020 Why?
Cattle1201038490.010 Why?
Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted1201014960.010 Why?
Male320233608420.010 Why?
Analysis of Variance1201062280.010 Why?
Female320233926860.010 Why?
Swine1201059150.010 Why?
Risk Factors12023742130.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12023806460.010 Why?
Animals220121684670.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12010544260.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.