Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Kashmira Chawla, M.D.

Concepts (90)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Social Justice120214790.540 Why?
Specialties, Surgical120213880.530 Why?
Bacterial Typing Techniques120162600.510 Why?
Human Rights120173060.460 Why?
Physician's Role120219180.460 Why?
Sputum120165030.450 Why?
Anesthesiology1202111160.360 Why?
International Cooperation1201714330.360 Why?
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary120168310.330 Why?
Health Status Disparities1202118290.330 Why?
Education, Medical, Graduate1202123630.310 Why?
Malawi220183010.260 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1202133860.250 Why?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis1201619030.240 Why?
Patient Readmission1201833220.220 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201753970.170 Why?
Patient Advocacy120213580.160 Why?
Moral Obligations12017930.140 Why?
United Nations120171510.140 Why?
Hospital Administration120203550.130 Why?
Gallbladder Diseases120161370.120 Why?
HIV Infections22018171650.120 Why?
Rifampin120163400.110 Why?
Cholecystectomy120164060.110 Why?
Operating Rooms120207890.110 Why?
Sex Distribution1201822940.100 Why?
Age Distribution1201828930.100 Why?
Cough120165950.100 Why?
Microscopy120168850.090 Why?
Drug Resistance, Bacterial1201610550.080 Why?
Health Policy1202126770.080 Why?
Endothelin-1120103020.080 Why?
Intensive Care Units1202037360.070 Why?
Inpatients1201825800.070 Why?
Anesthesia1201715840.060 Why?
Surgical Procedures, Operative1201719130.060 Why?
Emergency Medical Services1201719250.060 Why?
Counseling1201315480.060 Why?
Hospitals1201839280.060 Why?
Quality of Health Care1201843600.050 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202030850.050 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032050.050 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12016146610.050 Why?
Materials Management, Hospital1202090.040 Why?
Young Adult22018587480.040 Why?
Equipment and Supplies, Hospital12020590.040 Why?
Pandemics1202086230.040 Why?
Facility Design and Construction12020860.040 Why?
Adolescent22018878090.040 Why?
Time Factors22017401390.040 Why?
Hospitalization12018107890.040 Why?
New York City120207240.040 Why?
Humans720217606130.030 Why?
Algorithms12016139820.030 Why?
Telemedicine1201330180.030 Why?
Adult420182200070.030 Why?
Macrophages1201057450.030 Why?
Middle Aged320182203590.030 Why?
Alaska12013680.030 Why?
United States12021724480.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies22018803450.020 Why?
Female420183912460.020 Why?
Risk Factors12018743330.020 Why?
Male320183597180.020 Why?
Receptor, Endothelin A12010560.020 Why?
Receptor, Endothelin B12010460.020 Why?
Aspartic Acid Endopeptidases120103110.020 Why?
Metalloendopeptidases120103930.020 Why?
Aged220181691430.020 Why?
Critical Care1202026990.020 Why?
Program Development1201312970.020 Why?
Regression Analysis1201663590.020 Why?
DNA Primers1201028180.020 Why?
Breast Neoplasms12013210290.020 Why?
Dogs1201038410.020 Why?
Program Evaluation1201324930.010 Why?
Patient Selection1201642790.010 Why?
Length of Stay1201664760.010 Why?
Rural Population1201322680.010 Why?
Kinetics1201063770.010 Why?
Lipopolysaccharides1201022090.010 Why?
Staphylococcus aureus1201014620.010 Why?
Patient Satisfaction1201334480.010 Why?
Pilot Projects1201385560.010 Why?
Base Sequence12010124440.010 Why?
Escherichia coli1201042190.010 Why?
Cell Line12010156200.010 Why?
RNA, Messenger12010127620.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12016649810.010 Why?
Animals120101679600.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.