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Leah Zoe Gibson Rand, D.Phil.

Concepts (96)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Technology Assessment, Biomedical320223071.930 Why?
Prescription Drugs520226311.840 Why?
Drug Costs6202211831.580 Why?
Quality-Adjusted Life Years5202417221.060 Why?
Trust220245300.780 Why?
Federal Government120232670.760 Why?
Negotiating120221500.750 Why?
Ethics Committees, Research120221960.730 Why?
Costs and Cost Analysis4202216680.700 Why?
Policy Making220205420.680 Why?
Ethical Analysis12019410.660 Why?
National Health Programs120224400.650 Why?
Formularies as Topic12019940.640 Why?
Internationality2202110010.640 Why?
Insurance, Health, Reimbursement120223850.610 Why?
Social Values120192250.610 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis5202454920.600 Why?
Social Responsibility120193860.540 Why?
Health Resources120229350.510 Why?
Health Care Rationing120184370.490 Why?
Vaccines120238440.480 Why?
Australia3202212500.460 Why?
Pharmaceutical Preparations1202210890.440 Why?
Motivation1202220060.400 Why?
Patient Preference120199240.390 Why?
United States Food and Drug Administration3202416640.360 Why?
Germany220228750.330 Why?
Patient-Centered Care1201814210.300 Why?
Decision Making1202239290.300 Why?
Medicaid1201928180.260 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations1201932490.260 Why?
United States112024723350.240 Why?
Legislation as Topic12023770.220 Why?
Gross Domestic Product12021780.190 Why?
Health Services Research2201918120.190 Why?
Pregnancy, Prolonged1200090.190 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1201953360.190 Why?
Insurance Carriers120221560.180 Why?
Guinea Pigs1202213100.180 Why?
Government Agencies120201600.170 Why?
Labor, Induced120001510.160 Why?
France120204970.160 Why?
Canada2202221220.160 Why?
Health Policy2202026840.140 Why?
Uncertainty120227540.140 Why?
Humans2120247615720.130 Why?
Reimbursement Mechanisms120226670.130 Why?
Japan1202013780.130 Why?
Reward120229710.120 Why?
Income1202218770.110 Why?
Anemia, Sickle Cell1202210630.110 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1202216700.100 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine1202436880.100 Why?
Europe1201834220.090 Why?
Public Health1202326690.090 Why?
Patient Participation1201914450.090 Why?
Poverty1201926980.070 Why?
Cause of Death1201436830.060 Why?
Survivors1201423710.060 Why?
Pandemics1202386560.050 Why?
Aged420241693100.050 Why?
Biomedical Research1201834290.050 Why?
Intensive Care Units1201437440.050 Why?
Length of Stay1201464260.050 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201854400.040 Why?
Hospital Mortality1201452930.040 Why?
Quality of Life12022133670.040 Why?
Public Opinion120244840.040 Why?
Time Factors22018399700.040 Why?
Commerce120226060.030 Why?
Infant Mortality120007590.030 Why?
Chicago120142540.030 Why?
Research Personnel120185880.030 Why?
Female420243926860.020 Why?
Male320243608420.020 Why?
Health Services Needs and Demand1201814030.020 Why?
Animals120221684670.020 Why?
Death120146760.020 Why?
Hospitals, Teaching1201411560.020 Why?
Chi-Square Distribution1201434160.020 Why?
ROC Curve1201435790.020 Why?
Linear Models1201458720.010 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1200073910.010 Why?
Survival Analysis12014100900.010 Why?
Patient Discharge1201434430.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12000261980.010 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12014146660.010 Why?
Pregnancy12000298760.010 Why?
Predictive Value of Tests12014152660.010 Why?
Young Adult12024592550.010 Why?
Adolescent12024883240.010 Why?
Middle Aged220242209200.010 Why?
Adult220242212030.010 Why?
Prognosis12014296290.010 Why?
Risk Factors12000742130.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12014414930.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.