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Emily Boerth, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.7.406
Grant L Iverson, Ph.D.5.154
Rebekah Christina Mannix, M.D.2.445
Timothy Edwin Wilens, M.D.2.040
Jacob Raemer Brodsky, M.D.1.607
Ross Dennis Zafonte, D.O. Yes 1.591
Thomas J. Spencer, M.D.1.300
Nathan Cook, Ph.D.1.103
Inga Katharina Koerte, M.D.1.071
Mary Alexis Iaccarino, M.D. Yes 0.899
Jonathan A. Edlow, M.D.0.897
Craig B.H. Surman, M.D.0.896
Guangwei Zhou, M.D.0.748
Neil Bhattacharyya, M.D.0.712
William J Barbaresi, M.D.0.709
Aaron L. Baggish, M.D.0.690
Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Ph.D.0.603
Henning Tiemeier, Ph.D.0.592
Marc G. Weisskopf, Ph.D., Sc.D.0.578
Margaret Danielle Weiss, M.D.,C.M., Ph.D.0.565
Anne B. Arnett, Ph.D.0.548
Daniel Daneshvar, M.D.,Ph.D.0.515
Alysa Emily Doyle, Ph.D.0.500
Michael Jerome Whalen, M.D.0.475
Hakan Ashina, M.D.0.456
Thomas William Mangione, Ph.D.0.451
Ronna Fried, Ed.D.0.420
Andrea Lynne Roberts, Ph.D.0.414
Janet Wozniak, M.D.0.410
Ronald Charles Kessler, Ph.D.0.371
Oscar Gary Bukstein, M.D.0.348
Ann-Christine Duhaime, M.D.0.341
Peter Karl Kriz, M.D.0.340
Alex McLean Taylor, Psy.D.0.334
Benjamin Michael Neale, Ph.D.0.330
Elizabeth Borges Harstad, M.D.0.317
Claus Reinsberger, M.D.0.313
Julia Maietta, Ph.D.0.312
Catherine B. Fortier, Ph.D.0.310
Eve M. Valera, Ph.D.0.294
Katherine Breedlove, Ph.D.0.288
Gagan Joshi, M.D.0.283
Aparna Raghuram, O.D., Ph.D.0.282
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D.0.270
Amy Yule, M.D.0.268
Scott Sorg, Ph.D.0.267
Roberto Pineda, M.D.0.255
James Naples, M.D.0.253
William Paul Milberg, Ph.D.0.253
Rachel Grashow, Ph.D.0.244
Timothy Churchill, M.D.0.243
Mai Uchida, M.D.0.241
Joseph T Giacino, Ph.D.0.241
Daniel Paul Dickstein, M.D.0.240
Meagan Murphy Wasfy, M.D.0.235
Ankoor Shah, M.D., Ph.D.0.232
Alexander Peter Lin, Ph.D.0.232
Ana-Maria Vranceanu, Ph.D.0.228
Gianmichel David Corrado, M.D.0.219
Jennifer Renee Fonda, Ph.D.0.215
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.