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Sabrina Juran, Ph.D.

Concepts (89)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Surgery, Plastic820176431.150 Why?
Floods12023410.850 Why?
Clubfoot12023870.810 Why?
Geography120216610.660 Why?
Disasters120235170.570 Why?
Family Characteristics1202110010.550 Why?
Cluster Analysis1202326980.530 Why?
European Union120161570.500 Why?
Economic Development12016700.500 Why?
Beauty52017410.480 Why?
Income1202118750.420 Why?
Anesthesia2202115840.380 Why?
Needs Assessment1201611390.350 Why?
Physician's Role120169180.320 Why?
Anesthesiology1201811160.310 Why?
Refugees120165980.300 Why?
General Surgery1201816780.290 Why?
Lip320171970.280 Why?
Esthetics220153260.210 Why?
Pakistan120233040.200 Why?
Obstetric Surgical Procedures12021300.190 Why?
Population Dynamics120233060.190 Why?
Zambia120212570.190 Why?
Bangladesh120237280.190 Why?
Nigeria120217620.160 Why?
Pregnant Women120235630.150 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201653970.150 Why?
Meningocele12017460.140 Why?
Ear120171720.140 Why?
Buttocks120171110.140 Why?
Frontal Bone120171050.140 Why?
Cross-Cultural Comparison220176330.140 Why?
Encephalocele120171350.130 Why?
Pregnancy32023297490.130 Why?
Waist-Hip Ratio120175160.130 Why?
Risk Factors12023743590.130 Why?
Capacity Building120162570.110 Why?
Decompression, Surgical120176040.100 Why?
International Cooperation1201814330.100 Why?
Quality Indicators, Health Care1202118240.090 Why?
Perception1201711950.090 Why?
Data Collection1201833150.080 Why?
Young Adult82021587410.080 Why?
Adolescent52021878100.080 Why?
Data Interpretation, Statistical1201826960.080 Why?
Face1201410170.070 Why?
Humans1620237606210.070 Why?
Breast1201519630.070 Why?
Female1120233912700.060 Why?
Child32023798060.060 Why?
Mammaplasty1201512400.060 Why?
Forecasting1201429320.060 Why?
Population Growth12023500.050 Why?
Infant22023360600.050 Why?
Caribbean Region120231900.050 Why?
Demography2201716500.050 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1201631640.050 Why?
Organ Size2201722540.050 Why?
Latin America120234040.050 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12023259420.050 Why?
Adult820212199940.050 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1201538650.050 Why?
Middle Aged720212203520.040 Why?
Treatment Outcome22023650170.040 Why?
Male920213597440.040 Why?
Sex Factors32017105470.040 Why?
Self Report2201737110.030 Why?
Aged620171691520.030 Why?
Chin12014380.030 Why?
Cultural Characteristics120152530.030 Why?
Social Values120142250.030 Why?
United States32016724610.030 Why?
Individuality120143000.020 Why?
Consensus1202131130.020 Why?
Occupations120145150.020 Why?
Brazil1201512180.020 Why?
Age Factors22017184160.020 Why?
Nose120145190.020 Why?
Culture120146220.020 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1202378060.020 Why?
Sex Distribution1201422950.020 Why?
India1201523360.020 Why?
Europe1201534410.020 Why?
Internationality1201410040.020 Why?
Age Distribution1201428930.020 Why?
Visual Perception1201413740.020 Why?
Population Surveillance1201426080.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12017420630.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12017803720.000 Why?
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Concepts (89)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.