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Rui Dong, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
John Quackenbush, Ph.D.3.278
Zak Kohane, M.D.,Ph.D.2.927
Martin Hemberg, Ph.D.2.753
Peter Park, Ph.D.2.705
Norbert Perrimon, Ph.D.2.403
Bradley E. Bernstein, M.D., Ph.D.2.361
Rafael A. Irizarry, Ph.D.2.202
Steven P. Gygi, Ph.D. Yes 2.197
Alex K Shalek, Ph.D.1.922
Stuart Holland Orkin, M.D.1.907
David Westfall Bates, M.D.1.798
Curtis Huttenhower, Ph.D.1.771
Kevin Struhl, Ph.D.1.691
Peter Karl Sorger, Ph.D.1.685
William T. Pu, M.D. Yes 1.680
Robert Edward Kingston, Ph.D.1.650
Allon Moshe Klein, Ph.D.1.622
Vadim Gladyshev, Ph.D.1.610
Robert Gentleman, Ph.D.1.554
Soumya Raychaudhuri, M.D., Ph.D.1.540
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D.1.527
Ramin Khorasani, M.D.,C.M.1.490
Christine Edry Seidman, M.D.1.397
Nir Hacohen, Ph.D.1.396
Evan Macosko, M.D., Ph.D.1.396
Nils Gehlenborg, Ph.D.1.385
Jack T. Dennerlein, Ph.D.1.375
George McDonald Church, Ph.D.1.370
Jason Daniel Buenrostro, Ph.D.1.370
Scott Tillman Weiss, M.D.1.367
Shawn Norman Murphy, M.D., Ph.D.1.352
Chris Sander, Ph.D.1.329
Leonard Ira Zon, M.D.1.311
Karen Adelman, Ph.D.1.296
Kenneth David Mandl, M.D.1.296
Reza Nezafat, Ph.D.1.278
Vincent James Carey, Ph.D.1.272
Christophe O. Benoist, M.D., Ph.D.1.270
Ruslan Sadreyev, Ph.D.1.269
Ron Kikinis, M.D.1.238
Frederick W. Alt, Ph.D.1.237
Michael Eldon Greenberg, Ph.D.1.237
Diane Mathis, Ph.D.1.236
Jonathan G. Seidman, Ph.D.1.228
Scott A. Armstrong, M.D.,Ph.D.1.224
Ramesh Shivdasani, M.D.,Ph.D.1.208
Luca Pinello, Ph.D.1.207
Dominik Heider, Ph.D.1.193
Catherine Ju-Ying Wu, M.D.1.188
Joseph Loscalzo, M.D.1.173
Eric Steven Lander, D.Phil.1.168
Leonid Alex Mirny, Ph.D.1.165
Stephen Buratowski, Ph.D.1.157
Joao A Paulo, Ph.D. Yes 1.152
Gad A Getz, Ph.D.1.143
Jarrod Marto, Ph.D.1.119
Ramnik Xavier, M.B.,B.Ch.1.107
Martha Leonia Bulyk, Ph.D.1.105
Marc Vidal, Ph.D.1.097
Stephanie Mohr, Ph.D.1.079
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.