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Recep Ozdemir, Ph.D.

Concepts (88)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Motor Cortex9202310062.120 Why?
Postural Balance420186211.230 Why?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation13202314720.960 Why?
Electroencephalography15202362240.780 Why?
Evoked Potentials, Motor720234640.710 Why?
Evoked Potentials4202010370.610 Why?
Delta Rhythm12017810.570 Why?
Evoked Potentials, Somatosensory220182460.550 Why?
Motor Neurons320178700.530 Why?
Proprioception220181330.530 Why?
Sensation120173370.500 Why?
Neurologic Examination120179160.460 Why?
Nerve Net3202122880.460 Why?
Spinal Cord Injuries220179250.410 Why?
Posture120169560.400 Why?
Theta Rhythm320232190.380 Why?
Parietal Lobe120168510.370 Why?
Cognition2202069860.360 Why?
Lower Extremity2201712010.360 Why?
Blindness120135840.320 Why?
Ankle Joint120134450.320 Why?
Psychomotor Performance1201618790.300 Why?
Brain92022271070.270 Why?
Reproducibility of Results72023200930.220 Why?
Evoked Potentials, Auditory120225300.160 Why?
Oxycodone120191390.150 Why?
Walking2201612000.150 Why?
Aging1201687050.140 Why?
Peroneal Nerve12017760.140 Why?
Nucleus Accumbens120193660.140 Why?
Young Adult102022592070.130 Why?
Rest120219190.130 Why?
Electromyography3201813930.130 Why?
Hand Strength120184560.120 Why?
Neurons, Afferent120174980.120 Why?
Somatosensory Cortex120185120.120 Why?
Behavior, Addictive120194620.110 Why?
Muscle Strength Dynamometer12013410.110 Why?
Adult1420222211480.100 Why?
Gait220148160.090 Why?
Humans2220237614230.090 Why?
Computational Biology1202235170.080 Why?
Visual Perception1201813850.080 Why?
Muscle Strength120136240.080 Why?
Neuronal Plasticity1201714350.080 Why?
Analysis of Variance1201662310.070 Why?
Male1520223607360.070 Why?
Robotics120148190.070 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging32020364230.060 Why?
Aged, 80 and over32022589560.060 Why?
MicroRNAs1201938120.050 Why?
Female1120223925810.050 Why?
Middle Aged820222208260.050 Why?
Muscle, Skeletal2201649460.050 Why?
Aged420221692350.040 Why?
Long-Term Potentiation120212930.040 Why?
Case-Control Studies22017221680.040 Why?
Neuromuscular Junction120214050.040 Why?
Microinjections120193210.040 Why?
Sensory Gating12018470.040 Why?
Self Administration120193900.040 Why?
Afferent Pathways120182980.040 Why?
Receptors, Dopamine D2120194850.030 Why?
Feedback, Physiological120184760.030 Why?
Pyramidal Tracts120172520.030 Why?
Fingers120185070.030 Why?
Pyrazines1202012010.030 Why?
Dependovirus120197180.030 Why?
Ankle120173500.030 Why?
Neurons1201394620.030 Why?
Brain Mapping2202066260.030 Why?
Feedback120167910.030 Why?
Attention1202223950.020 Why?
Reaction Time1201820800.020 Why?
Forecasting1202029280.020 Why?
Movement1201814780.020 Why?
Genetic Vectors1201933950.020 Why?
Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging1202127900.020 Why?
Leg1201410890.020 Why?
Repressor Proteins1201929850.020 Why?
Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted1201414960.020 Why?
Rats12019237420.010 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted1201889990.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12022414460.010 Why?
Adolescent12021883130.010 Why?
Algorithms12014140260.010 Why?
Quality of Life12014133610.010 Why?
Animals120191684410.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.