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Lauren Ashley Hoffman, Ph.D.

Concepts (65)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Opioid-Related Disorders6202421640.820 Why?
Ethanol2201513240.640 Why?
Central Nervous System Depressants120151640.450 Why?
Buprenorphine120216560.430 Why?
Alcoholism4202019730.410 Why?
Memory, Short-Term220159820.390 Why?
Psychomotor Performance2201518820.340 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders7202444200.330 Why?
Substance Abuse Treatment Centers220201660.270 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care3202032050.250 Why?
Health Policy1201726840.240 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid2202038080.240 Why?
Alcohol Drinking1201540280.210 Why?
Pharmaceutical Preparations2202010890.190 Why?
Cognition2201569920.190 Why?
Self Concept3202210450.170 Why?
Florida220174310.170 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies82022261270.160 Why?
Attitude220217750.160 Why?
Event-Related Potentials, P300120191490.150 Why?
Self-Help Groups120191920.150 Why?
Alcohol-Related Disorders120202380.140 Why?
Opiate Substitution Treatment120214440.140 Why?
Employment2202011180.130 Why?
Community Health Centers120204610.130 Why?
Marijuana Abuse220174110.130 Why?
Cocaine-Related Disorders120174610.110 Why?
Alcoholic Intoxication120151740.110 Why?
Breath Tests120152990.110 Why?
Prevalence32020157320.110 Why?
Mood Disorders1201911270.100 Why?
Quality of Life42022133670.100 Why?
Adult1220242212000.100 Why?
Counseling1201915470.090 Why?
Patient Admission1201713670.090 Why?
Social Class1201720040.080 Why?
Smoking Cessation1202020570.080 Why?
Male1320243608410.080 Why?
Female1320243926880.070 Why?
Public Health1201926690.070 Why?
Executive Function1201513920.070 Why?
Humans1620247615780.060 Why?
Attention1201523960.060 Why?
United States62024723350.060 Why?
Sex Characteristics1201426390.060 Why?
Bipolar Disorder1201950920.050 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1201733580.050 Why?
Case-Control Studies12019221760.050 Why?
Double-Blind Method12015123410.050 Why?
Sex Factors12015105540.050 Why?
Middle Aged720242209170.050 Why?
Health Services Accessibility1201754400.040 Why?
Depression1201981240.040 Why?
Unemployment120202100.040 Why?
New England1202010540.030 Why?
Cohort Studies12017414930.030 Why?
Peer Group120206920.030 Why?
Social Support1202021710.020 Why?
Aged320191693080.020 Why?
Smoking1202090530.010 Why?
Young Adult22019592540.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12022391070.010 Why?
Adolescent22019883230.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12019544230.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12020646840.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.