Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Hillary Lee Ditmars, M.A.

Concepts (43)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Erectile Dysfunction120214610.580 Why?
Hypercholesterolemia1202111510.470 Why?
Sleep Apnea Syndromes120219440.430 Why?
Hypertension1202184790.190 Why?
Longitudinal Studies42022139910.150 Why?
Executive Function2201713640.150 Why?
Behavioral Symptoms120191750.150 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12022151600.140 Why?
Chromosomes, Human120144570.110 Why?
Intelligence120179200.100 Why?
Depression2202277590.100 Why?
Outpatients1201914870.100 Why?
Reaction Time1201720980.090 Why?
Mood Disorders1201711060.090 Why?
Suicide1201914740.080 Why?
Chromosome Aberrations1201418130.080 Why?
Age of Onset1201432700.080 Why?
Mental Disorders2201965980.070 Why?
DNA Copy Number Variations1201419410.070 Why?
Neurodegenerative Diseases1201410610.070 Why?
Risk Factors22022722960.060 Why?
Psychotic Disorders1201730460.050 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1201736580.050 Why?
Bipolar Disorder1201550270.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12019233360.040 Why?
Schizophrenia1201568820.040 Why?
Psychopathology120194090.030 Why?
Comorbidity22019103880.030 Why?
Comparative Genomic Hybridization120144960.030 Why?
Needs Assessment1201911470.030 Why?
Humans620227443660.030 Why?
Microarray Analysis120147670.020 Why?
Suicidal Ideation1201912460.020 Why?
Male420213501150.020 Why?
Adult220212140520.020 Why?
Aged120211632880.020 Why?
Child32019777090.020 Why?
Adolescent32019857790.020 Why?
Genome, Human1201444200.010 Why?
United States22019698720.010 Why?
Phenotype12014163670.010 Why?
Female320193801930.010 Why?
Young Adult12017564290.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.