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Hani Z Ibrahim, M.D.

Concepts (77)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Pharyngectomy12002440.210 Why?
Laryngeal Nerves12002570.200 Why?
Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures620043240.200 Why?
Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms120022900.170 Why?
Nasopharynx120024010.170 Why?
Nasal Obstruction320051600.150 Why?
Uvula42004150.140 Why?
Palate420041240.140 Why?
Thyroidectomy120029080.130 Why?
Salvage Therapy1200212640.130 Why?
Pharynx420044320.110 Why?
Tonsillectomy320042780.100 Why?
Carcinoma1200223300.090 Why?
Sleep Apnea, Obstructive4200418750.090 Why?
Electrocoagulation220041520.070 Why?
Surgical Flaps2200416710.060 Why?
Neoplasm Recurrence, Local1200292810.060 Why?
Nose220055210.060 Why?
Palate, Soft120041000.060 Why?
Tongue220044030.060 Why?
Apnea120051950.060 Why?
Nose Diseases12003790.050 Why?
Comet Assay12002750.050 Why?
Nasal Septum120031300.050 Why?
Postoperative Complications22003156330.050 Why?
Retreatment120025980.050 Why?
Nasal Cavity120033040.050 Why?
Radiation Tolerance120024790.040 Why?
Treatment Failure1200226440.030 Why?
Lymphatic Metastasis1200229150.030 Why?
Sleep Apnea Syndromes120029750.030 Why?
Polysomnography3200418480.030 Why?
DNA Repair1200220460.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies82004806460.020 Why?
Catheter Ablation1200327510.020 Why?
Thyroid Neoplasms1200223320.020 Why?
DNA1200272130.020 Why?
Survival Rate12002127250.020 Why?
Statistics, Nonparametric2200428500.020 Why?
Head and Neck Neoplasms1200228950.020 Why?
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell1200240260.020 Why?
Rhinometry, Acoustic1200580.020 Why?
Follow-Up Studies22002391070.010 Why?
Time Factors22002399700.010 Why?
Airway Resistance120044060.010 Why?
Palatine Tonsil120041930.010 Why?
Plethysmography120021750.010 Why?
Manometry120044540.010 Why?
Lymphatic Irradiation120021150.010 Why?
Middle Aged720042209170.010 Why?
Adult720042212000.010 Why?
Severity of Illness Index32004158430.010 Why?
Patient Selection2200442440.010 Why?
Humans1320057615780.010 Why?
Surgical Instruments120033830.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome52004646840.010 Why?
Prospective Studies42005544230.010 Why?
Cell Hypoxia120026570.010 Why?
Orbit120034570.010 Why?
Male820043608410.010 Why?
Constriction, Pathologic1200310960.010 Why?
Female820043926880.010 Why?
Reference Values1200549200.010 Why?
Chi-Square Distribution1200434150.010 Why?
Biopsy, Needle1200216260.010 Why?
Aged320021693080.010 Why?
Analysis of Variance1200462280.010 Why?
Quality of Life22004133670.010 Why?
DNA Damage1200224490.010 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1200385280.010 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12005146650.010 Why?
Case-Control Studies12005221760.000 Why?
Infant12003361930.000 Why?
Risk Assessment12002239960.000 Why?
Child, Preschool12003422310.000 Why?
Child12003801570.000 Why?
Adolescent12003883230.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.