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Roberta Sclocco, Ph.D.

Concepts (85)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Vagus Nerve Stimulation720242242.400 Why?
Brain Stem620238571.700 Why?
Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation420231701.520 Why?
Vagus Nerve620234581.130 Why?
Nausea320166780.880 Why?
Gastrointestinal Motility220242340.860 Why?
Autonomic Nervous System320196970.780 Why?
Dyspepsia120221180.750 Why?
Heart Rate6202041790.680 Why?
Respiration3202016540.550 Why?
Stomach120216940.550 Why?
Respiratory Mechanics120196990.480 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging152023362900.450 Why?
Solitary Nucleus22023550.420 Why?
Brain102023269510.350 Why?
Brain Mapping7202365680.320 Why?
Motion Sickness22016320.260 Why?
Neural Pathways3201930400.250 Why?
Oxygen Consumption1201218430.250 Why?
Movement1201214740.240 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine2202210460.240 Why?
Motor Cortex120129950.230 Why?
Models, Neurological1201217580.220 Why?
Cerebrovascular Circulation2201627330.210 Why?
Nonverbal Communication12022630.200 Why?
Empathy220234730.190 Why?
Ulnar Neuropathies12019320.160 Why?
Ulnar Nerve120191020.160 Why?
Gastric Emptying120212430.160 Why?
Electroencephalography3201561890.150 Why?
Oxygen4201641930.130 Why?
Asymptomatic Diseases120195870.130 Why?
Young Adult82021587410.120 Why?
Elasticity Imaging Techniques120193880.110 Why?
Electric Conductivity120154100.110 Why?
Skin Physiological Phenomena120151880.110 Why?
Low Back Pain120229790.110 Why?
Motion Perception120163720.110 Why?
Galvanic Skin Response120143480.100 Why?
Photic Stimulation2201619670.100 Why?
Humans2320247606210.100 Why?
Adult1120222199940.080 Why?
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases1202424210.080 Why?
Hand Strength120124520.080 Why?
Hypertension2202085940.080 Why?
Electrocardiography2201964140.080 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted3201489500.080 Why?
Female1320213912700.070 Why?
Male1220213597440.070 Why?
Analysis of Variance1201462380.060 Why?
Attention1201523870.060 Why?
Migraine Disorders1201716930.060 Why?
Electroacupuncture12024660.060 Why?
Radiography1201569650.060 Why?
Animals320241679630.050 Why?
Receptors, GABA120223050.040 Why?
Nerve Net1201222610.040 Why?
Epilepsy2201232670.040 Why?
Acupuncture Therapy120244800.040 Why?
Sensory Thresholds120213770.040 Why?
Reproducibility of Results22021200800.040 Why?
Respiratory Rate120201750.040 Why?
Software1201244190.040 Why?
Computer Simulation1201262180.040 Why?
Facial Expression120225080.040 Why?
Gastroenterology120245710.040 Why?
Sciatic Nerve120216130.040 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12012146600.030 Why?
Gastrointestinal Diseases1202411900.030 Why?
Pain2202250660.030 Why?
Cohort Studies12014413350.020 Why?
Reaction Time1201520750.020 Why?
Brain Waves120124010.020 Why?
Cerebral Cortex1202357610.020 Why?
Positron-Emission Tomography1202264650.020 Why?
Cluster Analysis1201226980.020 Why?
Prospective Studies22021543030.020 Why?
Blood Pressure1202085250.010 Why?
Time Factors22019401650.010 Why?
Middle Aged320222203520.010 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12012121590.010 Why?
Adolescent12021878100.010 Why?
Algorithms12012139810.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12012420630.010 Why?
Child12012798060.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.