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Regan E Patrick, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Matcheri S Keshavan, M.D.43.71
Ming T. Tsuang, D.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.20.90
Reisa Anne Sperling, M.D.19.25
Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.17.60
Ross J. Baldessarini, D.Sc., M.D.16.17
Charles A. Nelson, III, Ph.D.15.84
Andrew Alan Nierenberg, M.D.14.82
Maurizio Fava, M.D.13.69
Grant L Iverson, Ph.D.13.44
James Walter Luccarelli, D.Phil., M.D. Yes 13.43
David Glahn, Ph.D.13.12
Katherine Burdick, Ph.D. Yes 13.05
Mohammad Arfan Ikram12.37
Mauricio Tohen, Dr.P.H., M.D.12.29
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D.12.18
Bradley Theodore Hyman, M.D., Ph.D.12.13
Gina Rosalind Kuperberg, M.D.12.10
Keith Alan Johnson, M.D.11.37
Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Ph.D.10.95
Diego Pizzagalli, Ph.D.10.92
Lynn E DeLisi, M.D.10.65
Medellena Maria Lee Glymour, Sc.D.10.58
Margaret A. Niznikiewicz, Ph.D.9.841
Andrew E. Budson, M.D.9.783
Roy Howard Perlis, M.D.9.532
Brent Peter Forester, M.D. Yes 9.521
Amit Anand, M.B.9.409
Dorene May Rentz, Psy.D.9.292
Jeremy M. Wolfe, Ph.D.9.191
Steven Edward Arnold, M.D. Yes 9.098
Bradford Clark Dickerson, M.D.8.940
Rudolph Emile Tanzi, Ph.D.8.793
S Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.8.637
Yakeel T. Quiroz, Ph.D.8.457
Sharon K. Inouye, M.D. Yes 8.141
Gary Steven Sachs, M.D.8.103
Henning Tiemeier, Ph.D.8.036
Dennis J. Selkoe, M.D.7.997
Dara Sue Manoach, Ph.D.7.922
Marek R. Kubicki, M.D.7.619
Paul Gerard Nestor, Ph.D.7.599
Heidi Irma Louisa Jacobs, Ph.D.7.485
Leonardo Tondo, M.D.7.393
Kerry J Ressler, M.D.,Ph.D.7.390
Jordan W Smoller, M.D., S.D.7.328
Daphne Jane Holt, M.D., Ph.D.7.287
Rachel Buckley, Ph.D.7.159
Susan Lisa Mitchell, M.D.6.745
Oliver Freudenreich, M.D.6.689
Mieke H. Verfaellie, Ph.D.6.671
Felipe Fregni, M.D.6.586
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.6.547
Daniel Paul Dickstein, M.D.6.521
Scott Laurence Rauch, M.D.6.388
George I Papakostas, M.D.6.379
Stephen Jay Seiner, M.D. Yes 6.296
William Seth Stone, Ph.D.6.279
A. Eden Evins, M.D.6.266
Bruce Michael Cohen, M.D.,Ph.D.6.072
Bernard Hanseeuw, M.D., Ph.D.5.948
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.