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Theresa L Shanahan, M.D.

Concepts (56)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Melatonin1520126680.610 Why?
Light9201213430.480 Why?
Circadian Rhythm17201225670.430 Why?
Sleep7201647340.250 Why?
Body Temperature620127770.180 Why?
Photic Stimulation3200519670.110 Why?
Blindness320025800.100 Why?
Darkness420001580.090 Why?
Photoperiod220001390.080 Why?
Biological Clocks220003160.070 Why?
Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm120091960.070 Why?
Craniopharyngioma120092770.070 Why?
Hydrocortisone2201217950.060 Why?
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus220091390.060 Why?
Pineal Gland220091570.060 Why?
Sleep, REM219995930.040 Why?
Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation119998790.040 Why?
Work Schedule Tolerance120005510.030 Why?
Aging3199986340.030 Why?
Rest119999140.030 Why?
Wakefulness3201212530.030 Why?
Sleep Stages119976800.030 Why?
Radioimmunoassay119918660.020 Why?
Adult1420122193900.020 Why?
Military Personnel1199912390.020 Why?
Humans1820167592550.020 Why?
Homeostasis1199933040.020 Why?
Hypopituitarism120092480.020 Why?
Postoperative Complications12009156720.020 Why?
Phototherapy120093650.020 Why?
Polysomnography1201218120.020 Why?
Male1420123587190.020 Why?
Osmolar Concentration120056620.010 Why?
Reference Values1199149180.010 Why?
Regression Analysis1199163590.010 Why?
Chronobiology Phenomena12000290.010 Why?
Adolescent32009875600.010 Why?
Obesity, Morbid1200912770.010 Why?
Neurosurgical Procedures1200920520.010 Why?
Time Factors22012401090.010 Why?
Models, Biological2200594660.010 Why?
Saliva119998160.010 Why?
Immunoassay119977480.010 Why?
Age Factors12009183940.010 Why?
Logistic Models12005133090.010 Why?
Aged520021686170.010 Why?
Bayes Theorem1199723220.000 Why?
Female620093902400.000 Why?
Visual Perception1199513710.000 Why?
Electrocardiography1199964000.000 Why?
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders1199510760.000 Why?
Middle Aged420022196530.000 Why?
Young Adult12009584830.000 Why?
Electroencephalography1199761740.000 Why?
Aged, 80 and over11999588670.000 Why?
Animals120001678380.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.