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Julie Hauer, M.D.

Concepts (94)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Nervous System Diseases8202216471.430 Why?
Cyclohexanecarboxylic Acids420151401.230 Why?
Analgesics7201710641.190 Why?
Amines420152811.160 Why?
Central Nervous System Diseases320185201.140 Why?
Pain6201850650.970 Why?
Pain Measurement4201835270.860 Why?
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid4201511320.840 Why?
Palliative Care7202235700.620 Why?
Fundoplication120141440.420 Why?
Cerebral Palsy120174720.410 Why?
Gastrostomy120143210.380 Why?
Apnea120121950.370 Why?
Morphine120146530.360 Why?
Infant, Newborn, Diseases120145920.310 Why?
Autistic Disorder1201712160.290 Why?
Decision Support Techniques1201719960.290 Why?
Pediatrics2201435870.290 Why?
Dyspnea1201413440.270 Why?
Gastroesophageal Reflux120148160.270 Why?
Hypothermia120081880.260 Why?
Goals120117070.260 Why?
Irritable Mood120071940.250 Why?
Needs Assessment1201111410.240 Why?
Physicians1202245800.230 Why?
Child152022798180.220 Why?
Teaching1201111680.220 Why?
Parents4202235480.210 Why?
Professional-Family Relations220214950.210 Why?
Terminal Care1201417500.200 Why?
Learning1201117390.190 Why?
Pancreatitis1200810980.180 Why?
Benzodiazepines2201711300.180 Why?
Developmental Disabilities1200815040.160 Why?
Hyperalgesia220155300.160 Why?
Respiratory Insufficiency1200712300.160 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid1201437650.160 Why?
Brain Diseases1200715410.150 Why?
Mothers3202221890.140 Why?
Decision Making1201039150.130 Why?
Nonverbal Communication12015630.120 Why?
Dystonia120183660.120 Why?
Advance Care Planning220146940.110 Why?
Muscle Hypertonia12012120.110 Why?
Quality of Life22014132850.100 Why?
Postoperative Complications12014156370.100 Why?
Humans2120227584060.090 Why?
Neuralgia120186000.090 Why?
Long-Term Care120156310.090 Why?
Serotonin Antagonists120101440.080 Why?
Critical Care1202226920.080 Why?
Adrenergic alpha-Agonists120101770.080 Why?
Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors120101860.080 Why?
Intensive Care Units, Neonatal120158330.080 Why?
Resuscitation Orders120102700.080 Why?
Metabolic Diseases120146820.070 Why?
Disabled Children120102510.070 Why?
Nausea120106770.070 Why?
Drug Therapy, Combination1201762930.070 Why?
Stress, Psychological2201444550.070 Why?
Vomiting120106510.070 Why?
Qualitative Research3202229760.070 Why?
Calcium Channel Blockers120106940.070 Why?
Child Welfare120105160.070 Why?
Body Temperature Regulation120082860.070 Why?
Severity of Illness Index22018157850.060 Why?
Constipation120105610.060 Why?
Infant32015360550.060 Why?
Communication2202238460.060 Why?
Female1120223903230.060 Why?
Central Nervous System1201213330.060 Why?
Choice Behavior120118210.060 Why?
Interdisciplinary Communication120109310.060 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202253310.060 Why?
Hospice Care120106770.050 Why?
Child, Preschool32015420620.050 Why?
Adolescent42015878920.050 Why?
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug12014107480.050 Why?
Chronic Disease2200792670.050 Why?
Remission Induction1200723880.050 Why?
Male720153587470.040 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological1201026290.040 Why?
Patient Care Team1201025040.040 Why?
Retrospective Studies42015801680.040 Why?
Acute Disease1200772250.030 Why?
Recurrence1200884260.030 Why?
Adult320152199350.030 Why?
Risk Assessment12014238840.030 Why?
Young Adult12015588080.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome12012643780.020 Why?
Cohort Studies12008412560.020 Why?
Risk Factors12008738090.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12021259560.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12015261830.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.