Harvard Catalyst Profiles

Contact, publication, and social network information about Harvard faculty and fellows.

Daniel Patrick Howrigan, Ph.D.

Co-Authors (60)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Benjamin Michael Neale, Ph.D.2023282.970 Why?
Mark Joseph Daly, Ph.D.2023181.250 Why?
Claire L Churchhouse, Ph.D.202280.530 Why?
Konrad Jan Karczewski, Ph.D.202260.460 Why?
Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.202360.450 Why?
Steven A. McCarroll, Ph.D.202270.440 Why?
Aarno Palotie, M.D., Ph.D.2022100.430 Why?
Ming T. Tsuang, D.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.202250.360 Why?
Jordan W Smoller, M.D., S.D.202260.340 Why?
Elise Brooks Robinson, Sc.D.201950.340 Why?
Kaitlin Elisabeth Samocha, Ph.D.202240.320 Why?
Andrea Ganna, Ph.D.202230.240 Why?
Michael Edward Talkowski, Ph.D.202210.220 Why?
Ryan Lewis Collins, Ph.D.202210.220 Why?
Vamsi Krishna Mootha, M.D.202110.210 Why?
David Glahn, Ph.D.202220.190 Why?
Lynn E DeLisi, M.D.202230.150 Why?
Shaun Purcell, Ph.D.201640.140 Why?
Alicia Martin, Ph.D.202230.140 Why?
Katherine Burdick, Ph.D.201510.140 Why?
Emma Knowles, Ph.D.201510.140 Why?
Edward M. Scolnick, M.D.202230.130 Why?
Nan McKenzie Laird, Ph.D.201110.100 Why?
Steven Edward Hyman, M.D.202220.100 Why?
Randy Lee Buckner, Ph.D.202220.090 Why?
Joshua Lawrence Roffman, M.D.202220.090 Why?
Raquelle Mesholam-Gately, Ph.D.202220.090 Why?
Tracey Lynn Petryshen, Ph.D.202220.090 Why?
Eric Steven Lander, D.Phil.202020.090 Why?
Raymond K Walters, Ph.D.201920.090 Why?
Jason A. Flannick, Ph.D.201720.080 Why?
Pradeep Natarajan, M.D.201620.070 Why?
Heidi L. Rehm, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Anthony Andrew Philippakis, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Hilary Kiyo Finucane, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Shamil R. Sunyaev, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
James Francis Gusella, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Philip Michael Boone, M.D., Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Chelsea Lea Grace Lowther, Ph.D.202210.060 Why?
Bruce Michael Cohen, M.D.,Ph.D.202210.050 Why?
Mei-Hua Hall, Ph.D.202210.050 Why?
Dost Ongur, M.D.,Ph.D.202210.050 Why?
Tian Ge, Ph.D.202210.050 Why?
Christine Edry Seidman, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Jonathan G. Seidman, Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Sarah Uhler Morton, M.D.,Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Pascal Kaeser, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Katherine Clarke Tashman, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Heng Li, Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Kamil Slowikowski, Ph.D.201710.040 Why?
Alkes Price, Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Joel Naom Hirschhorn, M.D., Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Seyedeh Maryam Zekavat, M.D.,Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Jose Carlos Florez, M.D.,Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
David Matthew Altshuler, M.D., Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Jeremiah Matthew Scharf, M.D., Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Anne O'Donnell Luria, M.D., Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Gad A Getz, Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Eric Vallabh Minikel, Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Jose M Mercader Bigas, Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.