Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Hawazin Elani, Ph.D.

Concepts (119)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Dental Care820242853.160 Why?
Insurance, Dental42024641.990 Why?
Medicaid6202428181.820 Why?
Insurance Coverage6202419401.670 Why?
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act4202411881.300 Why?
Tooth Loss220212001.140 Why?
Oral Health520214920.930 Why?
Dental Health Surveys42018390.850 Why?
Tooth Diseases22020740.830 Why?
Students, Dental220141730.770 Why?
Dental Implantation, Endosseous320195310.680 Why?
Dental Caries220214280.650 Why?
Schools, Dental120201230.640 Why?
Policy120225080.600 Why?
Prenatal Care1202411390.550 Why?
Emigrants and Immigrants120225430.500 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors6202478270.500 Why?
Health Status Disparities3201718520.480 Why?
Health Policy2202426840.470 Why?
Health Services Accessibility3202454400.380 Why?
Nutrition Surveys5202117330.380 Why?
New Zealand420183580.350 Why?
Dental Implants120187950.340 Why?
Health Behavior1202126440.330 Why?
Artificial Intelligence1202425780.330 Why?
Educational Status1201725220.330 Why?
Stress, Psychological2201444810.300 Why?
United States132024723350.290 Why?
Canada5201821220.290 Why?
Dental Implants, Single-Tooth220191180.270 Why?
Mouth, Edentulous22021820.270 Why?
Medicare1202467700.270 Why?
Stress, Physiological1201414030.270 Why?
Esthetics, Dental220192680.260 Why?
Gingiva220194100.250 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies62024261270.250 Why?
Dental Restoration, Permanent220181300.240 Why?
Health Care Costs1201832420.240 Why?
Adult1820242212030.230 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202153360.220 Why?
Minnesota120223380.190 Why?
Education, Dental220142210.190 Why?
Mastication12021530.180 Why?
Brazil1202412300.170 Why?
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System120212090.170 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1202078790.170 Why?
Humans2720247615720.170 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological1201026290.170 Why?
Australia3201812500.160 Why?
Computer-Aided Design220183000.160 Why?
Dental Abutments120191020.150 Why?
Inlays1201880.150 Why?
Dental Cavity Preparation12018130.150 Why?
Tooth Fractures12018280.150 Why?
Male1620243608420.150 Why?
Female1620243926860.150 Why?
Color120192990.150 Why?
Prosthesis Coloring12017290.140 Why?
Residence Characteristics2202120940.140 Why?
Prescriptions120203860.140 Why?
Dental Restoration Failure120181550.140 Why?
Aged1220241693100.140 Why?
Eligibility Determination120204210.140 Why?
DMF Index22016870.140 Why?
Medically Uninsured120228360.130 Why?
Middle Aged1120242209200.130 Why?
Head and Neck Neoplasms1201028950.130 Why?
Anxiety1201045730.130 Why?
Young Adult62021592550.120 Why?
Aged, 80 and over42024589860.120 Why?
Population Groups120162080.120 Why?
ROC Curve1202135790.110 Why?
China1201823740.100 Why?
History, 21st Century1201815670.100 Why?
Algorithms22023140320.100 Why?
Prevalence32021157320.090 Why?
Depression1201081240.090 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1202016700.090 Why?
History, 20th Century1201827670.090 Why?
Pregnancy22024298760.080 Why?
Insurance, Health1202224980.080 Why?
Social Class1201820040.080 Why?
Models, Theoretical1202135750.080 Why?
Data Mining120145510.080 Why?
Social Environment1201410200.080 Why?
Spectrophotometry220193090.070 Why?
Statistics, Nonparametric1201328500.070 Why?
Workload120138440.070 Why?
Japan2202113780.070 Why?
Self Report1201837250.070 Why?
Educational Measurement1201312550.070 Why?
Analysis of Variance1201362280.060 Why?
Age Factors12021183980.060 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid1202038080.060 Why?
Cognition1202169920.050 Why?
Qualitative Research1201330230.050 Why?
Mass Screening1201854280.050 Why?
Health Surveys1201240610.050 Why?
Retrospective Studies22020806460.050 Why?
Regression Analysis1201063440.050 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1201633580.040 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales1201060190.040 Why?
Republic of Korea120215900.040 Why?
Quality of Life12021133670.040 Why?
Bicuspid12018690.040 Why?
Dental Stress Analysis12018640.040 Why?
Dental Porcelain12018680.040 Why?
Logistic Models12012132550.040 Why?
Ceramics120181130.040 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12010120590.030 Why?
Prospective Studies32019544260.030 Why?
Crowns120171550.030 Why?
Microscopy, Electron, Scanning120189450.030 Why?
Surface Properties1201811610.030 Why?
Maxilla120174940.030 Why?
Child12022801560.030 Why?
Internship and Residency1201358820.030 Why?
Comorbidity12021105080.020 Why?
Databases, Factual1202179670.020 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.