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Russell C Tontz, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Ronald Charles Kessler, Ph.D.5.591
Andrew J Schoenfeld, M.D.2.488
Neal C Chen, M.D.2.410
Jesse Bernard Jupiter, M.D.2.051
David Borsook, M.B.,B.Ch., Ph.D.1.791
Anne Louise Oaklander, M.D., Ph.D.1.738
Erik Lawrence Antonsen, M.D., Ph.D.1.474
Jennifer J Vasterling, Ph.D.1.431
Charles Benjamin Berde, M.D., Ph.D.1.366
Jeffrey Neil Katz, M.D.1.355
Elena Losina, Ph.D.1.126
Eric Joseph Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.1.078
Joshua A. Hirsch, M.D.0.915
Navil Firoze Sethna, M.B.Ch.B.0.882
Grant L Iverson, Ph.D.0.829
Terence Martin Keane, Ph.D.0.816
Donald Sungchul Bae, M.D.0.800
Theresa Stichick Betancourt, Sc.D.0.783
Omer Moshe Doron, M.D.0.779
Alan M. Zaslavsky, Ph.D.0.749
Chaitanya S. Mudgal, M.B.,B.S.0.725
Bassem Elhassan, M.D.0.702
Philip E. Blazar, M.D.0.681
Thomas T. Simopoulos, M.D.0.675
Nina Kumowski, M.D.0.633
David J. Hunter, M.B.,B.S., Sc.D.0.607
Jonathan Lans, M.D.0.594
Carl Morrison Harper, M.D.0.575
Jatinder S. Gill, M.B.,B.S.0.573
Martin Torriani, M.D.0.560
David Zurakowski, Ph.D.0.558
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.0.551
Daniel Hal Solomon, M.D.0.539
Peter Michael Waters, M.D.0.535
Neil Lawrence Schechter, M.D.0.534
Deirdre E. Logan, Ph.D.0.528
William Rigby Beardslee, M.D.0.525
Joel Steven Weissman, Ph.D.0.523
Mary Larsen Bouxsein, Ph.D.0.508
Dan Hung Barouch, M.D.0.505
Marc Lipsitch, D.Phil.0.503
Robert R Edwards, Ph.D.0.495
Jamie E Collins, Ph.D.0.491
Miriam A. Bredella, M.D.0.484
Nicholas Chiu, M.D.0.484
Connie Y. Chang, M.D.0.478
Adam Tenforde, M.D.0.478
Tamara D. Rozental, M.D.0.475
David R. King, M.D.0.472
Brent Andrew Coull, Ph.D.0.469
Ambrose J. Huang, M.D.0.466
Brian Lewis Edlow, M.D.0.463
Christian Lattermann, M.D.0.462
Zara R Cooper, M.D.0.462
Carley Vuillermin, M.B.,B.S.0.455
Nicole Michelle Duggan, M.D.0.453
Ali Tavakkoli, M.B.,B.S.0.453
Lindsey Robert Baden, M.D.0.451
Alyssa Lebel, M.D.0.446
Milan Petar Stojanovic, M.D.0.433
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.