Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Arielle Scoglio, Ph.D.

Concepts (102)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic14202345472.010 Why?
Veterans11202226401.710 Why?
Sex Offenses320223511.630 Why?
Crime Victims320203291.540 Why?
Military Personnel4202212450.700 Why?
Shame22023800.670 Why?
Public Opinion120234810.640 Why?
Couples Therapy12018380.630 Why?
Substance Abuse Detection120203010.570 Why?
Abortion, Induced120234600.560 Why?
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse220192840.520 Why?
Child Abuse, Sexual120193930.520 Why?
Social Stigma220197310.510 Why?
United States Department of Veterans Affairs320189170.500 Why?
Refugees220215980.500 Why?
Mental Health7202332060.480 Why?
Mental Health Services3202317160.480 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders3202043700.450 Why?
Behavior Therapy120188690.420 Why?
Robotics120198800.400 Why?
Empathy120154730.370 Why?
Child Abuse1201910680.360 Why?
Self Concept1201510370.340 Why?
Fear1201514620.280 Why?
Social Support3202221450.250 Why?
Gambling220172580.210 Why?
Sexual Behavior3202320800.210 Why?
Government120231600.200 Why?
Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological120231890.190 Why?
Abortion, Legal120231140.190 Why?
Mental Disorders1201967970.170 Why?
Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry)120203030.170 Why?
Crime120202020.170 Why?
Policy120235110.160 Why?
Employment, Supported12018280.150 Why?
Rehabilitation, Vocational12018810.150 Why?
Attitude120237770.150 Why?
Humans2820237602610.150 Why?
United States72023723630.140 Why?
Object Attachment120183240.130 Why?
Resilience, Psychological120237680.120 Why?
Disclosure120207380.120 Why?
Psychopathology120174270.120 Why?
Adult1220232198470.120 Why?
Female1420233910110.110 Why?
Child62023797580.110 Why?
Self-Assessment120153930.110 Why?
Interpersonal Relations1202014300.110 Why?
Suicidal Ideation1202214350.100 Why?
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders1202110760.100 Why?
Male1320233594130.090 Why?
Memory Disorders1201711970.090 Why?
Survivors1202023670.090 Why?
Anxiety Disorders1202027110.080 Why?
Cohort Studies22023413170.080 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22019259280.080 Why?
Patient Education as Topic1201723110.070 Why?
Focus Groups2202313720.070 Why?
Pandemics2202386210.070 Why?
Adolescent22020877470.050 Why?
Risk Factors22019742690.050 Why?
Pregnancy12023297250.050 Why?
Somalia12021780.050 Why?
Prospective Studies12023542630.040 Why?
Narration120202180.040 Why?
Social Participation120181830.030 Why?
Internal-External Control120173590.030 Why?
Young Adult22019586730.030 Why?
Restaurants120182300.030 Why?
Canada1202121280.030 Why?
Interview, Psychological120178120.030 Why?
Students1202317220.030 Why?
Community Mental Health Services120163920.030 Why?
Peer Group120186740.030 Why?
Psychotherapy1202216400.030 Why?
Comorbidity22017105520.020 Why?
Workplace120188580.020 Why?
Arousal1201711570.020 Why?
Massachusetts1202388050.020 Why?
Middle Aged320192201750.020 Why?
Reward120179640.020 Why?
Family1202131890.020 Why?
Educational Status1201725120.020 Why?
Child, Preschool22023420340.020 Why?
Caregivers1202122220.020 Why?
Anxiety1202345320.020 Why?
Outpatients1201616060.020 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12023144820.020 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales1201760170.020 Why?
Primary Health Care1202346490.020 Why?
Communication1202038460.020 Why?
Self Report1201737070.020 Why?
Pilot Projects1201785530.010 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1201631590.010 Why?
Depression1202180330.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12021261680.010 Why?
Prevalence12016156870.010 Why?
Infant12021360300.010 Why?
Aging1201786410.010 Why?
Aged220181689950.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12017589470.010 Why?
Brain12017269120.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.