Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Jonathan Friedstat, M.D.

Concepts (120)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Burns16202318481.750 Why?
Frostbite12023240.900 Why?
Free Tissue Flaps220213270.680 Why?
Nose Neoplasms120212490.670 Why?
Cicatrix, Hypertrophic32018810.590 Why?
Burns, Electric12017390.570 Why?
Burns, Chemical120171220.530 Why?
Finger Injuries120131450.380 Why?
Arm Injuries120131560.380 Why?
Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections120132370.360 Why?
Wound Infection120132430.360 Why?
Radiation Injuries1201711820.340 Why?
Cicatrix320207810.330 Why?
Surgery, Plastic220186430.300 Why?
Survivors2202023700.300 Why?
Skin Transplantation3201810830.280 Why?
Esthetics220213260.200 Why?
Oxandrolone12019240.170 Why?
Burn Units220171410.170 Why?
Laser Therapy2201810890.160 Why?
Nose120215190.150 Why?
Hand Injuries220182390.150 Why?
Explosions120181080.140 Why?
Anabolic Agents120192520.140 Why?
Ossification, Heterotopic120192350.140 Why?
Leg Injuries120181780.130 Why?
Pubic Symphysis12014200.120 Why?
Lasers, Dye12014280.120 Why?
Pigmentation Disorders120151050.120 Why?
Fibula120172650.120 Why?
Quality of Life42020132850.120 Why?
Resuscitation220176610.120 Why?
Blast Injuries120183220.120 Why?
Silicone Elastomers12014780.110 Why?
Bladder Exstrophy120141060.110 Why?
Bone Transplantation120179220.100 Why?
Mouth Neoplasms120175930.100 Why?
Fluid Therapy120155780.100 Why?
Disaster Planning120175570.090 Why?
Hernia, Ventral120142140.090 Why?
Wound Healing2201927830.090 Why?
Triage120179860.090 Why?
Chondroitin Sulfates120091740.080 Why?
Physical Examination1201512450.080 Why?
Humans2320237584060.080 Why?
Sepsis1202325870.080 Why?
Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial120135860.080 Why?
Length of Stay3202364390.070 Why?
Bandages120092690.070 Why?
History, 21st Century1201415730.070 Why?
Internationality1201310000.070 Why?
Health Care Surveys1201424320.070 Why?
Tissue and Organ Harvesting120093730.070 Why?
History, 20th Century1201427720.060 Why?
Eye120097100.060 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12013362840.060 Why?
Emergency Medical Services1201719150.060 Why?
Facial Injuries220171900.060 Why?
Massachusetts2201888230.060 Why?
Treatment Outcome62019643780.060 Why?
Mammaplasty1201412390.060 Why?
Hospitals, Pediatric1201318540.050 Why?
Face1200910170.050 Why?
Physicians1202145800.050 Why?
Postoperative Care1200914710.050 Why?
Linear Models1201358620.050 Why?
Societies, Medical1201438910.050 Why?
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell1201740230.050 Why?
Collagen1200926350.050 Why?
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic22018101460.050 Why?
Transplantation, Homologous1200948090.050 Why?
Child, Preschool42015420620.040 Why?
Body Surface Area120181970.040 Why?
Cheek12017650.040 Why?
Male1020203587470.030 Why?
Trauma Severity Indices120184780.030 Why?
Prevalence12013156510.030 Why?
Personal Satisfaction120206430.030 Why?
Child42023798180.030 Why?
Pubic Bone12014310.030 Why?
Mass Casualty Incidents120171790.030 Why?
North Carolina120153230.030 Why?
Incidence12013212720.030 Why?
Body Surface Potential Mapping120152280.030 Why?
Maxilla120174910.030 Why?
Adolescent42015878920.030 Why?
Abdominal Wall120141650.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies32023801680.030 Why?
Ribs120142520.030 Why?
Models, Animal1201921120.030 Why?
Patient Satisfaction2201534460.030 Why?
Mandible120177500.030 Why?
Injury Severity Score1201510330.020 Why?
Disasters120175170.020 Why?
Young Adult42020588080.020 Why?
Early Diagnosis1201511770.020 Why?
Female720203903230.020 Why?
Follow-Up Studies32015390590.020 Why?
Neoplasm Invasiveness1201736170.020 Why?
Adult620202199350.020 Why?
Prospective Studies32020541370.020 Why?
Health Services Needs and Demand1201514020.020 Why?
Health Status1202040710.020 Why?
Recovery of Function1201729700.020 Why?
Logistic Models12020132760.020 Why?
Risk Assessment22017238840.010 Why?
Middle Aged420202195680.010 Why?
Inflammation12023107180.010 Why?
Neoplasm Staging12017111520.010 Why?
Research Design1201861570.010 Why?
Medicare1202067410.010 Why?
Pilot Projects1201585530.010 Why?
Survival Rate12015127210.010 Why?
Pediatrics1201535870.010 Why?
Infant12015360550.010 Why?
Mice12019811010.010 Why?
Risk Factors12019738090.010 Why?
United States12020721360.010 Why?
Aged120201682180.000 Why?
Animals120191677680.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.