Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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John Michael Kelley, Ph.D.

Co-Authors (41)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Ted Jack Kaptchuk, M.D.2023303.610 Why?
Sarah Katherine Ballou, Ph.D.202261.400 Why?
Vitaly J. Napadow, Ph.D.202370.970 Why?
Helen Riess, M.D.201750.950 Why?
Samuel Nurko, M.D.202210.860 Why?
Judy Nee, M.D.202260.790 Why?
Lisa Conboy, Sc.D.2017120.540 Why?
Maurizio Fava, M.D.201210.440 Why?
Vikram Vijay Rangan, M.D.202240.380 Why?
Joe Kossowsky, Ph.D.202230.370 Why?
Roger B. Davis, Sc.D.202160.370 Why?
Kathryn Tayo Hall, Ph.D.201730.280 Why?
Eric Emil Jacobson, Ph.D.201160.270 Why?
Efi G. Kokkotou, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D.201470.240 Why?
Eric Alan Moulton, O.D., Ph.D.202310.240 Why?
John Stuart Ablon, Ph.D.201020.190 Why?
Robert R Edwards, Ph.D.202330.160 Why?
Roberta Sclocco, Ph.D.202330.160 Why?
Rami Burstein, Ph.D.201410.120 Why?
Cristina Cusin, M.D.201210.110 Why?
Jeungchan Lee, Ph.D.202220.100 Why?
Stacey Tutt Gray, M.D.201110.100 Why?
Jennifer Sue Temel, M.D.201010.100 Why?
Mark Peter Hatton, M.D.200920.090 Why?
Raymond Arthur Levy, Psy.D.200910.090 Why?
Carl D. Marci, M.D.200910.090 Why?
Stephen Thomas Sonis, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.201720.080 Why?
Sook-Bin Woo, B.D.S., D.M.D.201720.080 Why?
Nathaniel Simon Treister, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.201720.080 Why?
Yisi Daisy Ji, D.M.D., M.D.201720.080 Why?
Braden Kuo, M.D.202310.060 Why?
Alessandra Anzolin, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Arvina Grahl, Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Alyssa Lebel, M.D.202310.060 Why?
David Borsook, M.B.,B.Ch., Ph.D.202310.060 Why?
Mark Alan Blais, Psy.D.200110.050 Why?
Elliot Israel201110.030 Why?
Paul M. Konowitz, M.D.201110.020 Why?
Vicki A. Jackson, M.D.201010.020 Why?
Eric A. Macklin, Ph.D.200910.020 Why?
Peter Michael Wayne, Ph.D.200810.020 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.