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Brittany Charlton, Sc.D.

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Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MAMScEpidemiology
Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, MAScDEpidemiology

Dr. Brittany Charlton is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute in the Department of Population Medicine and at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology. She is also the Co-Director of the Harvard SOGIE (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression) Health Equity Research Collaborative and Adjunct Faculty at The Fenway Institute.

Dr. Charlton is known as a leading scholar documenting reproductive health and cancer disparities affecting sexual and gender minorities. The second focal area of her research is on contraception use and family planning among people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Her research has sustained continuous funding for the last decade from the NIH and foundations including the American Cancer Society. She has been the Principal Investigator on 18 grants including her most recent NIH-funded R01 award focused on sexual orientation-related disparities in obstetrical and perinatal health. Additionally, she collaborates with colleagues across the globe on a host of large-scale studies. Dr. Charlton has published over 60 original research papers including in the BMJ, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, and American Journal of Public Health.

In addition to Dr. Charlton’s research program, she co-leads Harvard SOGIE—a 125+ member collaborative that brings together sexual and gender minority health researchers from across the university. Further, Dr. Charlton leads a number of mentoring initiatives, particularly for underrepresented minorities. She is a Certified Facilitator through the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences and she is the founder of the Harvard Sexual and Gender Minority Health Mentoring Program. Dr. Charlton is an award-winning mentor and has individually mentored more than 40 scholars including early-career faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and trainees. In the classroom, Dr. Charlton is the Course Director for a number of classes across Harvard in epidemiology and reproductive health research. In the realm of medical education, she helps to lead efforts with Harvard Medical School's Sexual and Gender Minority Health Equity Initiative—a multi-year enterprise to enhance the ability of medical school students and faculty to provide evidence-based care by integrating sexual and gender minority health content across the curriculum.

Dr. Charlton received her MSc and ScD from the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The research activities and funding listed below are automatically derived from NIH ExPORTER and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing items. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
  1. R01MD015256-03S1 (CHARLTON, BRITTANY MICHELLE) May 16, 2022 - Feb 28, 2026
    Strengthening mentorship for sexual and gender minority health researchers
    Role: Principal Investigator
  2. R01DA054236 (TAN, ANDY SL) Jul 1, 2021 - Apr 30, 2026
    Project SMART: Social Media Anti-vaping Messages to Reduce ENDS Use Among Sexual and Gender Minority Teens
    Role: Co-Investigator
  3. R01MD015256 (CHARLTON, BRITTANY MICHELLE) May 16, 2021 - Feb 28, 2026
    Sexual orientation-related disparities in obstetrical and perinatal health
    Role: Principal Investigator
  4. MRSG CPHPS 130006 (CHARLTON, BRITTANY MICHELLE) Jul 1, 2017 - Oct 20, 2022
    American Cancer Society
    Cancer disparities by sexual orientation
    Role: Principal Investigator
  5. F32HD084000 (CHARLTON, BRITTANY MICHELLE) Jul 1, 2015 - Jun 30, 2018
    Reproductive health disparities and sexual orientation in girls and women
    Role: Principal Investigator

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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.