Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Rebecca Robbins, Ph.D.

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Cornell University, Ithaca, NYPhD05/2015Health Communication
NYU School of Medicine, New York, NYPostdoc08/2019Population Health
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MAPostdoc11/2020Sleep and Circadian Disorders


Available: 04/01/23, Expires: 03/31/25

The ability to obtain sufficient, restorative sleep is greater among those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds as compared to those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. My research program explores the socioeconomic and structural barriers to sleep in vulnerable populations, such as individuals on shift work schedules, communities of color, and low income areas. In addition, I employ mixed methods to explore sleep differences by demographic and socioeconomic variables, then design interventions using health communication, dissemination, and health promotion techniques, theories, and methods to design interventions that aim to promote sleep among underserved groups. In this research, you will learn about community-engaged research. You will cultivate skills in literature reviews, academic writing, data analysis, and peer review. You will also develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to guide your career at Harvard and beyond.

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  1. K01HL150339 (ROBBINS, REBECCA) Sep 5, 2020 - Aug 31, 2025
    An mHealth intervention to deliver personalized messages to increase adherence to OSA evaluation and treatment among transportation workers
    Role: Principal Investigator

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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.