Similar People (59)
Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity. (* These people are also co-authors.)
- Pascual-Leone, Alvaro
- Vanduffel, Wim
- Wolfe, Jeremy
- Buckner, Randy
- Tootell, Roger
- Fox, Michael
- Esterman, Michael
- Wald, Lawrence
- Laureys, Steven
- Shenton, Martha
- Ahveninen, Jyrki
- Battelli, Lorella
- Rosen, Bruce
- Borsook, David
- Yu, Xin
- Golby, Alexandra
- Napadow, Vitaly
- Fischl, Bruce
- Nelson, Charles
- Sperling, Reisa
- Hadjikhani, Nouchine
- Glahn, David
- Stufflebeam, Steven
- Warfield, Simon
- Keshavan, Matcheri
- Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan
- Kubicki, Marek
- Pizzagalli, Diego
- Nasr, Shahin
- Rauch, Scott
| - Livingstone, Marge
- Born, Richard
- Simonyan, Kristina
- Bacchi, Stephen
- Manoach, Dara
- Fregni, Felipe
- Santarnecchi, Emiliano
- Dickerson, Bradford
- Bilgic, Berkin
- Alsop, David
- Jacobs, Heidi
- Kuperberg, Gina
- Daffner, Kirk
- Cash, Sydney
- Hirschtick, Randy
- Tie, Yanmei
- Delgutte, Bertrand
- Giersch, Anne
- Arcaro, Michael
- Juraschek, Stephen
- Merabet, Lotfi
- Vaina, Lucia
- Johnson, Keith
- Assad, John
- Frederick, Blaise
- Verfaellie, Mieke
- Holt, Daphne
- Budson, Andrew
- Brown, Emery
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Similar People
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Same Department
People in same department with this person.