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Shelley Hurwitz, Ph.D.
Co-Authors (177)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
AbdelRazek, Mahmoud
Adler, Gail
Alexander, Erik
Almarzooq, Zaid
Ashley, Stanley
Askari, Reza
Bakshi, Rohit
Banerji, Aleena
Baron, Rebecca
Bauer, Daniel
Belanger, Anthony
Bendapudi, Pavan
Benson, Carol
Berkowitz, Lori
Bikdeli, Behnood
Black, Peter
Blanchfield, Bonnie
Bluman, Eric
Blumenthal, Kimberly
Bonventre, Joseph
Braaten, Kari
Brown, Edward
Brunner, Andrew
Bueno, Raphael
Camargo, Carlos
Campia, Umberto
Carroll, Brett
Chamarthi, Bindu
Chandraker, Anil
Chiang, Nan
Chiodo, Christopher
Cibas, Edmund
Cizginer Konuk, Sevdenur
Clerc, Olivier
Cohen, Richard
Dana, Reza
Dellaripa, Paul
Delli-Bovi, Laurent
Di Carli, Marcelo
Dieffenbach, Paul
Doubilet, Peter
Dubey, Shipra
Dworetzky, Barbara
Dzik, Walter
Edlow, Brian
Edlow, Jonathan
Emmons, Karen
Fisher, Naomi
Fletcher, Robert
Frates, Mary
French, Christopher
Ginsburg, Elizabeth
Gitlin, David
Givertz, Michael
Glanz, Bonnie
Glowacki, Julie
Golby, Alexandra
Goldberg, Alisa
Goldberg, Hilary
Goldhaber, Samuel
Greve, Douglas
Haddad, Robert
Hata, Nobuhiko
Hepner, David
Hooper, David
Hornstein, Mark
Janiak, Elizabeth
Jerosch-Herold, Michael
Jurkunas, Ula
Kaafarani, Haytham
Katz, Joel
Kho, Alvin
Khurana, Bharti
Kijewski, Marie
Kikinis, Ron
Klompas, Michael
Kroll, David
Kuritzkes, Daniel
Kwong, Raymond
Landman, Adam
Larsen, Philip
Laskowski, Karl
Lathan, Christopher
Leboff, Meryl
Lecca, Leonid
Lee, Jong
Lee, Richard
Levy, Bruce
Levy-Carrick, Nomi
Libby, Peter
Ligon, Keith
Liteplo, Andrew
Llewellyn, Nichelle
Mai, Christine
Makar, Robert
Marqusee, Ellen
Masiakos, Peter
Massaro, Anthony
Matzkin, Elizabeth
Maurer, Rie
McCarthy, David
McElrath, Thomas
Min, Le
Mitnick, Carole
Monthe-Dreze, Carmen
Moore, Francis
Mudge, Gilbert
Nadel, Eric
Nardell, Edward
Nathavitharana, Ruvandhi
Nauffal, Victor
Nohria, Anju
Pavlova, Milena
Perrella, Mark
Pfeferman, Mariana
Piazza, Gregory
Platz, Elke
Pojoga, Luminita
Putta, Swapna
Racowsky, Catherine
Randolph, Gregory
Rennke, Helmut
Rhee, Chanu
Richards, William
Rich-Edwards, Janet
Ridker, Paul
Rizzo, Samantha
Romero, Jose
Salat, David
Sallan, Stephen
Saltzman, John
Santagata, Sandro
Sarkis, Rani
Schaffer, Adam
Schmults, Chrysalyne
Scirica, Benjamin
Seely, Ellen
Seiguer Shenoy, Erica
Serhan, Charles
Sholl, Lynette
Silberstein, Leslie
Silbersweig, David
Silverman, Stuart
Singh, Ajay
Singhal, Tarun
Tauhid, Shahamat
Thom, Robyn
Thompson, B.
Thornhill, Thomas
Tierney, Dylan
Tishler, Roy
Tokuda, Junichi
Tsen, Lawrence
Tuncali, Kemal
Turchin, Alexander
Tzelios, Christine
Uhl, Lynne
Vaidya, Anand
Velmahos, George
Viswanathan, Srinivas
Waldman, Abigail
Walensky, Rochelle
Walls, Ron
Warfield, Simon
Weiner, Howard
Weisholtz, Daniel
Wells, William
Wen, Patrick
Wickner, Paige
Williams, Gordon
Winkler, Tilo
Wolfsdorf, Joseph
Woo, Sook-Bin
Yanushpolsky, Elena
Yialamas, Maria
Yuen, Courtney
Zurawski, Jonathan
Hurwitz's Networks
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Concepts (787)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Arthritis, Rheumatoid
Bed Rest
Lung Diseases, Interstitial
Co-Authors (177)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Williams, Gordon
Piazza, Gregory
Goldhaber, Samuel
Bakshi, Rohit
Nathavitharana, Ruvandhi
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Solomon, Scott
Camargo, Carlos
Williams, Gordon
Solomon, Daniel
Sparks, Jeffrey
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Kimura, Satoshi
Osaki, Akina
Pier, Gerald
Rhee, Chanu
Wessels, Michael
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Kent, Sarah
Choudhry, Niteesh
Schnipper, Jeffrey
Schneeweiss, Sebastian
Adler, Dale