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Christopher Paul Cannon, M.D.
Co-Authors (167)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Aggarwal, Rahul
Aghayev, Ayaz
Alexander, Brian
Alexanian, Claire
Anderson, Christopher
Antman, Elliott
Apovian, Caroline
Aranki, Sary
Baer, Heather
Barger, Laura
Barkoudah, Ebrahim
Benson, Mark
Berg, David
Bergmark, Brian
Berman, Adam
Beshansky, Joni
Blankstein, Ron
Blood, Alexander
Boden, William
Bohula May, Erin
Bonaca, Marc
Brady, Thomas
Braunwald, Eugene
Brown, David
Bukhman, Gene
Cardoso, Rhanderson
Chang, Lee-Shing
Chasman, Dan
Choudhry, Niteesh
Chung, Raymond
Claggett, Brian
Colling, Caitlin
Connors, Jean
Corey, Kathleen
Croce, Kevin
Cutlip, Donald
Czeisler, Charles
Danik, Jacqueline
De Ferranti, Sarah
Desai, Akshay
Di Carli, Marcelo
Divakaran, Sanjay
Duffy, Jeanne
Ellinor, Patrick
Feng, Yilin
Fisher, Naomi
Fox, Caroline
French, William
Gaggin, Hanna
Garfinkel, Amanda
Garrido-Castro, Ana
Gaziano, J.
Gaziano, Thomas
Gelfand, Eli
Gerszten, Robert
Gibson, C.
Ginder, Curtis
Giugliano, Robert
Glynn, Robert
Goessling, Wolfram
Goldhaber, Samuel
Gordon, William
Goss, Paul
Grandin, Edward
Grossman, Shamai
Gupta, Sumit
Hassan, Shahzad
Hegde, Sheila
Hernandez, Adrian
Ho, Jennifer
Ho, Kalon
Hofman, Albert
Huck, Daniel
Huskamp, Haiden
Ibrahim, Nasrien
Januzzi, James
Jarolim, Petr
Karipineni, Neelima
Kaur, Gurleen
Khera, Amit
Kinlay, Scott
Kirshenbaum, James
Klann, Jeffrey
Korjian, Serge
Kwiatkowski, David
Laham, Roger
Landman, Adam
Lau, Emily
Lee, Richard
Lee, Thomas
Libby, Peter
Loscalzo, Joseph
Lubitz, Steven
MacRae, Calum
Marcusa, Daniel
Marston, Nicholas
Mayer, Kenneth
McCarthy, Cian
McWilliams, Michael
Mehta, Cyrus
Michelson, Alan
Miller, David
Morrow, David
Muller, James
Murphy, Shawn
Natarajan, Pradeep
Neuen, Brendon
Normand, Sharon-Lise
O'Donoghue, Michelle
O'Gara, Patrick
Ostrominski, John
Palacios, Igor
Patel, Siddharth
Pearson, Steven
Pfeffer, Marc
Plutzky, Jorge
Popma, Jeffrey
Pradhan, Aruna
Preiss, David
Ravid, Shmuel
Reisner, Sereno
Ridker, Paul
Rifai, Nader
Rimm, Eric
Rosas, Sylvia
Ruff, Christian
Sabatine, Marc
Sacks, Frank
Sarma, Amy
Sarwar, Ammar
Sayah, Assaad
Scirica, Benjamin
Secemsky, Eric
Selwyn, Andrew
Shahian, David
Shiyovich, Arthur
Simon, Tracey
Singh, Avinainder
Singh, Jagmeet
Skali, Hicham
Solomon, Scott
Steigner, Michael
Stewart, Garrick
Stone, Peter
Stultz, Collin
Tanasijevic, Milenko
Teich, Jonathan
Toribio, Mabel
Tung, Patricia
Turchin, Alexander
Unlu, Ozan
Vaduganathan, Muthiah
Wadhera, Rishi
Wagholikar, Kavishwar
Waks, Jonathan
Walls, Ron
Watts, Gerald
Weber, Brittany
Weinblatt, Michael
Weiner, Debra
Weng, Lu-Chen
Wexler, Deborah
Wiviott, Stephen
Wu, Wanda
Yeh, Robert
Zimetbaum, Peter
Zitting, Kirsi-Marja
Cannon's Networks
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Concepts (1098)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Cholesterol, LDL
Myocardial Infarction
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors
Angina, Unstable
Co-Authors (167)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Morrow, David
Sabatine, Marc
Scirica, Benjamin
Giugliano, Robert
Braunwald, Eugene
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Ridker, Paul
Sabatine, Marc
Yeh, Robert
Giugliano, Robert
Braunwald, Eugene
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Aggarwal, Rahul
Cuddy, Sarah
Gaziano, Thomas
Goldhaber, Samuel
Sun, Yee-Ping
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Antman, Elliott
Lilly, Leonard
Gupta, Rajat
Kapur, Sunil
Stewart, Garrick