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Raphael Bueno, M.D.
Co-Authors (233)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Agoston, Agoston
Aranki, Sary
Aronson, Josh
Arthanari, Haribabu
Ashley, Stanley
Baden, Lindsey
Baldini, Elizabeth
Barbie, David
Barbie, Thanh
Barletta, Justine
Baron, Rebecca
Bassal, Mahmoud
Berman, Stuart
Bhola, Patrick
Blankstein, Ron
Boland, Genevieve
Bonner-Weir, Susan
Bono, Christopher
Carrasco, Ruben
Castaldi, Peter
Catalano, Paul
Caulier, Alexis
Cherniack, Andrew
Chi, John
Cho, Michael
Choi, Noah
Christiani, David
Chung, Raymond
Cibas, Edmund
Clancy, Thomas
Cleary, James
Clohessy, John
Collins, Natalie
Colson, Yolonda
Cooper, Zara
Coppolino, Antonio
Cormack, Robert
Costa, Daniel
Coy, Shannon
Crum, Christopher
Cuddy, Sarah
Czerminska, Maria
Dahlberg, Suzanne
Dal Cin, Paola
Demeo, Dawn
Deshpande, Vikram
DeSimone, Ariadne
Devlin, Phillip
Di Carli, Marcelo
Dolan, Daniel
Donahue, Dean
Drage, Michael
Ducko, Christopher
Duda, Rosemary
DuMontier, Clark
Dyer, M Aiven
Emmons, Karen
Enzinger, Peter
Feeney, Nora
Ferrone, Marco
Flaherty, Keith
Fletcher, Jonathan
Frain, Laura
Freeman, Gordon
Frendl, Gyorgy
Frosch, Matthew
Gaissert, Henning
Gangadharan, Sidhu
Garg, Swati
Gedeon, Patrick
Gerhard-Herman, Marie
Gill, Ritu
Gillette, Michael
Glass, Kimberly
Glickman, Jonathan
Godleski, John
Golby, Alexandra
Goldhaber, Samuel
Golub, Todd
Griffin, James
Gritsch, Simon
Gupta, Shruti
Haddad, Robert
Hammer, Mark
Haneuse, Sebastien
Hanna, Glenn
Haq, Rizwan
Harris, Jay
Hata, Aaron
Hatabu, Hiroto
Hersh, Craig
Hoang, Mai
Hodi, Frank
Hong, Theodore
Hormoz, Sahand
Hornick, Jason
Hsiao, Li-Li
Hung, Yin
Hunninghake, Gary
Hurwitz, Shelley
Issa, Nicolas
Ivanova, Elena
Jacobson, Francine
Jaklitsch, Michael
Janne, Pasi
Jenkins, Russell
Johnson, Bruce
Jones, Robert
Kapur, Tina
Klein, Allon
Kobzik, Lester
Kozono, David
Kufe, Donald
Kwiatkowski, David
Laird, Nan
Lander, Eric
Lange, Christoph
Lanuti, Michael
Lazea, Daniela
Leaf, David
Leboeuf, Nicole
Lester, Susan
Letai, Anthony
Li, Selena
Li, Yvonne
Licona, Jose
Ligon, Keith
Lin, Xihong
Lizotte, Patrick
Loda, Massimo
Loughlin, Kevin
MacDonald, Marcy
Mahadevan, Navin
Mak, Raymond
Mamon, Harvey
Mark, Eugene
Massaro, Anthony
Mathisen, Douglas
Matulonis, Ursula
Mazzola, Emanuele
McNamee, Ciaran
Mehra, Mandeep
Mentzer, Steven
Meyerhardt, Jeffrey
Meyerson, Matthew
Miao, Diana
Milford, Edgar
Morrow, Jarrett
Motwani, Shveta
Mulligan, Richard
Mutter, George
Nardi, Valentina
Neuberg, Donna
Ng, Thomas
Nguyen, Louis L
Nohria, Anju
O'Farrell, Desmond
Ott, Patrick
Ou, Wenbin
Parangi, Sareh
Patil, Namrata
Paweletz, Cloud
Pezeshkian, Fatemehsadat
Pommerening, Matthew
Quackenbush, John
Quinn, Max
Rabin, Michael
Rahaghi, Farbod
Redston, Mark
Richards, William
Ritz, Jerome
Rochefort, Matthew
Rodig, Scott
Romee, Rizwan
Ryan, David
Sadek, Ahmed
San Jose Estepar, Raul
Sankaran, Vijay
Sattler, Martin
Schmidlin, Eric
Shapiro, Geoffrey
Sholl, Lynette
Silverman, Edwin
Singh, Anupama
Smart, Alicia
Smillie, Christopher
Smith, Eric
Sofer, Tamar
Soiffer, Robert
Sparrow, David
Staunton, Jane
Steigner, Michael
Steimer, Desiree
Stemmer-Rachamimov, Anat
Stover, Elizabeth
Swanson, Scott
Szallasi, Zoltan
Tanabe, Kenneth
Tarabine, Kamal
Tenen, Daniel
Thakuria, Manisha
Thompson, Christopher
Tramontozzi, Peter
Tsukada, Hisashi
Ugalde Figueroa, Paula Antonia
Van Allen, Eliezer
van Galen, Peter
Vanderlaan, Paul
Venugopal, Kartika
Vivero, Marina
Wahlster, Lara
Wain, John
Wang, Sue
Wang, Xuwen
Washko, George
Waxman, Aaron
Weber, Griffin
Wee, Jon
Weisberg, Ellen
Weissman, Joel
Weng, Chen
Whang, Edward
Wiener, Daniel
Winickoff, Jonathan
Wright, Cameron
Wu, Catherine
Wucherpfennig, Kai
Yacoubian, Stephanie
Yeap, Beow
Yoon, Charles
Zhao, Lei
Zinner, Michael
Zurakowski, David
Bueno's Networks
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Concepts (811)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Pleural Neoplasms
Lung Neoplasms
Co-Authors (233)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Jaklitsch, Michael
Yeap, Beow
Gill, Ritu
Richards, William
Mazzola, Emanuele
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Sholl, Lynette
Boffetta, Paolo
Gill, Ritu
Richards, William
Yang, Chi-Fu
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Burns, Christopher
Dzhemiliev, Ali
Jarman, Molly
Liebowitz, Andrea
Shimizu, Naomi
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Carty, Matthew
Malek, Sayeed
Gerry, Ryan
Sampson, Christian
Askari, Reza