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Paul J. Catalano, Sc.D.
Co-Authors (230)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Abrahm, Janet
Aerts, Hugo
Alencar, Raquel
Alexander, Brian
Allen, Joseph
Al-Mefty, Ossama
Alper, Seth
Alsop, David
Annino, Donald
Arnaout, Omar
Balboni, Tracy
Baldini, Elizabeth
Bellon, Jennifer
Benitez, Viviana
Beroukhim, Rameen
Bhagwat, Mandar
Bi, Wenya
Bitterman, Danielle
Bleday, Ronald
Bonventre, Joseph
Braun, Ilana
Bredfeldt, Jeremy
Bubrick, Ellen
Buchbinder, Elizabeth
Bueno, Raphael
Burke, Kelly
Buzurovic, Ivan
Chai, Peter
Chaunzwa, Tafadzwa
Chen, Jarvis
Chen, Ming Hui
Cherniack, Andrew
Chiocca, E.
Chipidza, Fallon
Choueiri, Toni
Christiani, David
Chun, Yoon
Claus, Elizabeth
Cohen, Juliana
Colson, Yolonda
Connors, Jean
Cormack, Robert
Coull, Brent
Crum, Christopher
Cubre, Alan
D'Amico, Anthony
De Gruttola, Victor
DeCaprio, James
Denize, Thomas
Dennerlein, Jack
Devlin, Phillip
Dietrich, Jorg
Diller, Lisa
Dockery, Douglas
DuBois, Steven
Dyer, M Aiven
Einstein, David
El Ahmar, Nourhan
El Bakouny, Ziad
Elhalawani, Hesham
Emmons, Karen
Evans, John
Fitzmaurice, Garrett
Franco, Idalid
Freedman, Matthew
Freeman, Gordon
Friedmann, Alison
Gao, Xin
George, Suzanne
Godleski, John
Goguen, Laura
Golby, Alexandra
Gold, Diane
Guadagnoli, Edward
Guthier, Christian
Haas-Kogan, Daphne
Haddad, Robert
Hammitt, James
Han, Zhaohui
Hancox, Cindy
Hanna, Glenn
Harrington, David P.
Harris, Jay
Hassett, Michael
Hodi, Frank
Hong, Theodore
Hornick, Jason
Horowitz, Neil
Hsu, Liangge
Hua, Ping
Huang, Mary
Hunter, David
Huynh, Mai Anh
Hyun, Hyewon
Jacene, Heather
Jacobson, Joseph
Jo, Vickie
Johnson, Bruce
Kamran, Sophia
Kann, Benjamin
Kaplan, Irving
Kapur, Tina
Katz, Jeffrey
Keane, Florence
Keating, Nancy
Kehl, Kenneth
Killoran, Joseph
King, Martin
Kobzik, Lester
Koutrakis, Petros
Kozono, David
Kraft, Peter
Krishnan, Monica
Kwiatkowski, David
LaCasce, Ann
Lamba, Nayan
Landrum, Mary
Lathan, Christopher
Lawrence, Joy
Lee, Kathleen
Lee, Leslie
Leeman, Jonathan
Leung, Cindy
Ligibel, Jennifer
Lin, Nancy
Lindvall, Charlotta
Lipsitz, Stuart
Liu, Kevin
Liu, Rong
Lyatskaya, Yulia
MacDonald, Shannon
Mack, Jennifer
Mak, Raymond
Mamon, Harvey
Margalit, Danielle
Martin, Neil
Matar, Sayed
Matulonis, Ursula
Mayer, Robert
McDermott, David
Mehta, Cyrus
Mendu, Mallika
Metlay, Joshua
Meyerhardt, Jeffrey
Michor, Franziska
Miller, Cynthia
Mittleman, Murray
Miyamoto, David
Moningi, Shalini
Mouw, Kent
Muto, Michael
Nayak, Lakshmi
Neuberg, Donna
Ng, Andrea
Nguyen, Paul
Nowak, Jonathan
O'Farrell, Desmond
Orio, Peter
Ott, Patrick
Padera, Robert
Pashtan, Itai
Peng, Luke
Poussaint, Tina
Prabhu, Sanjay
Punglia, Rinaa
Qian, Jack
Rahman, Rifaquat
Raut, Chandrajit
Reardon, David
Regan, Meredith
Rickerson, Elizabeth
Rimm, Eric
Roberts, Hannah
Rodig, Scott
Rosenfeld (she/her), Lindsay
Ryan, Louise
Sabbisetti, Venkata
Santagata, Sandro
Saraf, Anurag
Savova, Guergana
Schoenfeld, Jonathan
Schwartz, Joel
Shamberger, Robert
Shapiro, Geoffrey
Sharpe, Arlene
Sholl, Lynette
Shusterman, Suzanne
Shyn, Paul
Signoretti, Sabina
Silk, Ann
Silverman, Stuart
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Timothy
Speizer, Frank
Spektor, Alexander
Spengler, John
Sun, Mary
Taghian, Alphonse
Takakura, Ayumi
Tanguturi, Shyam
Tarbell, Nancy
Temel, Jennifer
Thakuria, Manisha
Tishler, Roy
Tomasso, Linda
Tsai, Leo
Tulsky, James
Tuncali, Kemal
Uppaluri, Ravindra
Vajapeyam, Sridhar
Van Allen, Eliezer
Van Den Abbeele, Annick
Verrier, Richard
Warren, Laura
Wee, Jon
Weissman, Joel
Wen, Patrick
Whitehouse, Colleen
Willett, Walter
Wolfson, Mike
Wood, Peter
Wright, Alexi
Wu, Catherine
Xu, Wenxin
Ye, Zezhong
Yock, Torunn
Yoon, Charles
Youssef, Gilbert
Zapaishchykova, Anna
Zaslavsky, Alan
Catalano's Networks
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Concepts (853)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Carcinoma, Renal Cell
Cranial Irradiation
Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols
Brain Neoplasms
Co-Authors (230)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Spengler, John
Margalit, Danielle
Lamba, Nayan
Mak, Raymond
Haas-Kogan, Daphne
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Christiani, David
Wen, Patrick
Giovannucci, Edward
Choueiri, Toni
Boffetta, Paolo
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Coull, Brent
Laird, Nan
Rotnitzky, Andrea
Savoia, Elena
Thompson, Kelsey
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Neuberg, Donna
Gray, Robert
Parmigiani, Giovanni
Kim, Haesook
Sun, Zhuoxin