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Elena Losina, Ph.D.
Co-Authors (157)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Agarwal-Harding, Kiran
Ahonkhai, Aimalohi
Avorn, Jerome
Bae, Donald
Baggett, Travis
Balboni, Tracy
Bangs, Audrey
Bartels, Stephen
Basilico, Frederick
Bassett, Ingrid
Berry, Sarah
Bhashyam, Abhiram
Bitton, Asaf
Blauwet, Cheri
Blazar, Philip
Bono, Christopher
Borre, Ethan
Brownlee, Sarah
Burstein, Deborah
Chandler, Mia
Chang, Yuchiao
Chi, John
Chibnik, Lori
Chiosi, John
Chuang, Warren
Ciaranello MD MPH, Andrea
Collins, Jamie
Costenbader, Karen
Dawson, Courtney
Dennerlein, Jack
Desai, Sonali
Dhand, Amar
Donelan, Karen
Dufour, Alyssa
Duryea, Jeffrey
Dyer, George
Earp, Brandon
Edwards, Robert
Ewusi, Aba
Ezeh, Nnenna
Farid, Alexander
Feldman, Candace
Ferris, Timothy
Ferrone, Marco
Fitz, Wolfgang
Fofana, Mariame
Freedberg, Kenneth
Gandhi, Rajesh
Ganguli, Ishani
Gebhardt, Mark
Gedmintas, Lydia
Geller, Alan
Goldie, Susanne
Gong, Yusi
Guadagnoli, Edward
Hannan, Marian
Harris, Mitchel
Harris, William
Harrison, Linda
Hashimoto, Dean
Hughes, Michael
Hunink, Myriam
Hunter, David
Hyle, Emily
Iorio, Richard
Jacobs, Cale
Jarman, Molly
Jarraya, Mohamed
Jones, Morgan
Juelg, Boris
Kang, James
Kang, Minhee
Karlson, Elizabeth
Katz, Ingrid
Katz, Jeffrey
Kerman, Hannah
Kuritzkes, Daniel
Laidlaw, Tanya
Lange, Jeffrey
Lehmann, Lisa
Lenhard, Nora
Levison, Julie
Levy, Bruce
Lipsitch, Marc
Lockman, Shahin
Lopez, Mary
MacLean, Rachel
Madenci, Kristin
Malchau, Henrik
Martey, Emily
Martin, Lindsay
Martin, Scott
Matzkin, Elizabeth
May, Collin
Mayer, Kenneth
McDermott, Gregory
Meints, Samantha
Mi, Michael
Millham, Lucia
Mohareb, Amir
Neilan, Anne
Novitsky, Vladimir
Ojikutu, Bisola
Okonkwo, Prosper
Osher, Benjamin
Pandya, Ankur
Parker, Robert
Patel, Kunjal
Pinkney, Jodian
Platt, Richard
Poss, Robert
Rabideau, Dustin
Reddy, Krishna
Regan, Susan
Resch, Stephen
Reyes, Angel
Rich, Katherine
Rigotti, Nancy
Ritter, Susan
Robinson, Malcolm
Rome, Benjamin
Rosenberg, Eric
Ross, Douglas
Salim, Ali
Sarno, Danielle
Sax, Paul
Schoenfeld, Andrew
Selzer, Faith
Shadick, Nancy
Siedner, Mark
Simmons, Barry
Skotko, Brian
Smink, Douglas
Smith, Karen
Smith, Stacy
Solomon, Daniel
Son, Mary
Sontag, David
Sowell, Nancy
Sparks, Jeffrey
Stenquist, Derek
Sweezy, Martha
Talbot, Simon
Thornhill, Thomas
Tierney, Camlin
Triant, Virginia
Usiskin, Ilana
Von Keudell, Arvind
Walensky, Rochelle
Walker, Bruce
Walls, Ron
Weil, Brent
Weinstein, Milton
Weissman, Joel
Weldon, Christopher
Young, Jason
Yu, Zhi
Losina's Networks
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Concepts (891)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Osteoarthritis, Knee
HIV Infections
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee
Co-Authors (157)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Bassett, Ingrid
Walensky, Rochelle
Freedberg, Kenneth
Katz, Jeffrey
Collins, Jamie
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Mayer, Kenneth
Bedair, Hany
Katz, Jeffrey
Iijima, Hirotaka
Collins, Jamie
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Bovonratwet, Patawut
Charles, Julia
Ferrone, Marco
Lange, Jeffrey
Zhang, Dafang
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Estok, Daniel
Earp, Brandon
Ready, John
Fitz, Wolfgang
Brick, Gregory